BB Seguros de Blues Festival & Jazz 2020


Warm up the 6th. BB Seguros Festival of Blues and Jazz Live debuts with Hamilton de Holanda

The BB Seguros Festival of Blues and Jazz already has a date and time set to start its sixth edition. Thursday, 30/4, at 8:0 pm, in your house, with Hamilton de Holanda and his mandolin in tribute to Moraes Moreira. The presentation opens a series of live content that the BB Seguros Festival is preparing to bring culture and entertainment to the public, in a playful and responsible way.

The Festival, that already gathered more than 500 thousand people throughout its history, was born with the goal of promoting outdoor culture so that the public could enjoy a day with family and friends. The goal remains the same, but now it's time to enjoy and share good times in the comfort of home, through the computer screen, tv, ou smartphone tablet. Hamilton de Holanda was invited to the premiere not only for being one of the main names of the new generation of Brazilian instrumental music, but for being part of the Festival's history, having participated in the first edition, in 2015.


The 6th edition of the face-to-face Festival will take place in the eight capitals covered by the project as soon as the situation allows, safely for everyone. Meanwhile, let's have fun, remember good times and live new ones, from this thursday, 30/4. The BB Seguros Festival of Blues and Jazz is held via the Culture Incentive Law, sponsored by BB Seguros and organized by Marolo Produções, Special Secretariat of Culture, Ministry of Citizenship and Federal Government / Beloved homeland.

BB Seguros, Festival partner, always thinking about the care and protection of people, destined 40 millions for food purchases, hygiene and cleaning products, with the objective of helping people in socially vulnerable situations during the pandemic. In addition to the donation, BB Seguros also launched an online campaign to encourage donations.

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BB Seguros, trademark of BB Seguridade Participações SA, that concentrates the insurance business, foresight, capitalization and dental plans of the Banco do Brasil.

Marolo Productions

Marolo Produções was born from the dream of bringing culture to the whole country, holds cultural events in 5 Brazilian regions.

6st. Edition of the BB Seguros Festival of Blues and Jazz
Live Broadcast:

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