Through a project of several Estácio campuses, the triathlete will talk about how to face the challenges of today, from its successful trajectory in sport
Rio de Janeiro – June 2020 – With so many changes and news every day throughout the pandemic due to Covid 19 life has become full of challenges. Knowing this, some Estácio units organized the virtual lecture “Vencendo Desafios” with the Ironman Brasil triathlete and five-time champion, Fernanda Keller. The live will be shown through Estácio Macaé's Instagram (@estacio_macaerj), on 25 of June, farm, at 18h, and mediated by the Nova Friburgo campus manager, Aline Parise. Among the campuses involved are: Nova Friburgo, Teresópolis, Alcântara, Cabo Frio, Campos dos Goytacazes, Macaé and Niterói.
Participation is free and open to the general public. To follow all the information about the event just register at the electronic address
Durante a live, Fernanda Keller will speak about the important moments of her trajectory of great dedication, determination and overcoming to become a champion in the most difficult competition in the world, or Ironman. Are 3,8 km of swimming, followed by 180km of cycling and 42km of running. Fernanda Keller is a pioneer of this sport that she helped to invent. There are more than 30 years of a successful career and the experience gained is a source of inspiration, for all who face challenges.
She is the only triathlete in the world to make it 14 times between 10 best triathletes in the world, being six times among the top three in the world at the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. This number is a world record to this day and very difficult to beat. Are 23 consecutive participations in the professional category and 25 total holdings in that, which is the most important triathlon event in the world. The athlete has participated in more than 100 Ironman tests around the planet and was voted the most influential woman in the sport by Forbes magazine.
“What makes the difference to overcome any challenge in life is to want and be prepared”, the firm. “During the conversation with Fernande Keller, I intend to make this connection between her reality and the scenario we are experiencing today, full of challenges. The idea is to link these limits that she overcomes daily, in competitions and training, with what we are facing, where every day we need to reinvent ourselves and overcome limits to stand out in the job market, get a job and, even, enter a university ”, adds the mediator, Aline Parise.
About the Estácio no Esporte program
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The Estácio no Esporte program has existed since 2013 and is one of the pillars of the Institution's Corporate Social Responsibility Program, next to School, Citizenship, Culture and Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Currently, There are more than 500 athletes and parathletes supported through scholarships, in addition to promoting some of the main sporting events in Brazil, as well as partnerships with various NGOs and sports institutions.
Through the Sport pillar, Estácio is today one of the biggest supporters of the segment in the country. The Institution, which is also a signatory to the Pact for Sport, has athletes like Chloé Calmon (surf), Laís Souza (former gymnastics athlete), Marcelinho Machado (former basketball athlete and Sportv commentator), among others.
Present at the Rio Games 2016, Estácio was the first supportive Olympic educational institution and, through its corporate solutions area, was the provider of services for the selection and training of 140 thousand volunteers and 6000 Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games employees 2016. Also in 2016, the company won the Aberje Nacional Award in the Program Communication category, Sports Projects and Actions with the case “Estácio no Esporte - Forming Champions”. The case showed the institution's strong and broad connection with sport over the years and during the Olympic Games.
This is an initiative supported by Pilar Esporte from Estácio's Corporate Social Responsibility Program - Educating to Transform.