Feng Shui: bathroom with problems can 'steal good energy’

Energy and Feng Shui


According to the book “101 Feng Shui Solutions to Change Your Life”, Feng Shui is an onomatopoeic term meaning “wind and water”, that is, the two words mimic the sound of the elements.

The ancient Chinese believed that, when choosing a place to live close to nature, there would be more chances of having a prosperous and balanced life.

Broadly, they were confident that the choice of location would bring positive energy to everyday life.

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As it is not always possible to reside next to the flowers, rivers, lagos e mares, Feng Shui also brought the idea of ​​creating an approximation with nature through lighting, air circulation, fluidity, plants and crystals.

In this way, environments that have elements that refer to the natural, but keep the organization and balance, are able to potentiate energies of prosperity, affection and success.

1 thought on “Feng Shui: bathroom with problems can 'steal good energy'”

  1. An interesting subject, that intuits our mind to seek a better balance in our lives, energies that must be perceived and channeled in their correct form , so that we have more harmonized tunes and healthier fluids in our coexistence, especially at home , with good vibes, rest and a more detoxified lifestyle free from physical and emotional problems…
    The article explains very well the things we need to pay attention to, and in turn are little known by society in general or simply ignored, but they have a great influence on people’s lives…
    Matter to reflect!!!


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