Feng Shui: bathroom with problems can 'steal good energy’

Issues in the piping would “drain” the energy field of the residence


The concept of energy is used as the basis for several theories — one of them related to the organization of environments.

Ancient Chinese practice, the Feng Shui states that the arrangement of items in a given space can be directly related to the energy movement place and influence different aspects of life, like health, relationship and professional success.

According to this theory, the WC requires a lot of attention as it is associated with energy purification.


Its main objective is to collect and remove all waste and impurities from the house by means of the pipes, drains and toilet.

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Thus, any and all piping issues can cause an energy imbalance.

In order not to compromise the circulation of energy in the environment, Feng Shui lists some measures, how to keep the toilet door and lid closed, contact a plunger to solve sewer problems, clean the room and pay attention to decorative items.

1 thought on “Feng Shui: bathroom with problems can 'steal good energy'”

  1. An interesting subject, that intuits our mind to seek a better balance in our lives, energies that must be perceived and channeled in their correct form , so that we have more harmonized tunes and healthier fluids in our coexistence, especially at home , with good vibes, rest and a more detoxified lifestyle free from physical and emotional problems…
    The article explains very well the things we need to pay attention to, and in turn are little known by society in general or simply ignored, but they have a great influence on people’s lives…
    Matter to reflect!!!


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