Felipe Carnaúba | A painting is a flag – EGG YOLK – 30/9


A Painting is a Flag“, the first shows solo do multiartista Felipe Carnaúba in São Paulo, Opens the next day 30 of september in EGG YOLK, under the curatorship of Eduarda Freire. With, approximately, 40 works between paintings, drawings, videos, NFTs, objects and game, to propose a social and informal environment of debate in face of ‘ironically’ political works.

Between the screens, you can find some artistic representations made together with members of the collective Guanabara Palace. “Felipe proposes a flexibilization of the spectator's limits, in the face of your excesses; provokes the public with postulates that are sometimes dangerous, non-linear and unclear”, deliberates the curator.

In the artist's works there is no clear definition between the search for applause or rejection. Sometimes, one can even think Felipe Carnaúba like a lawyer of his own causes when realizing the degree of 'malícia’ present in creations. "Today, I am forced to rethink this figure. The present production provokes me more questions, than conclusions. (…..) What would it be like to live with a silent tension every time you welcome someone to visit the house??


This three-foot-tall image of the president's face, did, poorly painted and well represented, It's not something you can easily explain to someone on a first date.. Now, note the beauty of perceiving naturalness as one thinks of art as something to put on the living room wall. These questions are immersed in my circumstantial view of someone who has a painting of Felipe at the entrance of their house.. It is evident that controversy is an ingredient of the mass of work. However, I wouldn't say this is a focus, and yes a fact”, talks Eduarda Freire. Defining as experimentation would also be a very vague concept since, whether in your performances, videos, songs, NFTs, texts or paintings, the artist's intentions are current.

A Painting is a Flag“. Why? “Guaravita cups in cardboard pieces, or toilet seats on the wall express, indeed, Brazil for a suburban carioca, understated and underrated”, answer the curator.

Felipe is characterized by the accumulation, excess and disorganization. Its tireless and/or exhaustive production, obnoxious and/or amusing, challenges to come across low levels of current reality, to a high degree of insolence and fearlessness. In the midst of frantic (otherwise epics) antiglamorous aspects, spins a ciranda of failure. Perhaps this is the insinuation that the poison is the antidote.” Eduarda Freire


Exhibition: A Painting is a Flag

Artist: Felipe Carnaúba and Guanabara Palace

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Curated By: Eduarda Freire

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Realization: emerging contemporary art hub – Egg yolk

Opening: 30 September, Friday, to 5 pm.

Period: from 01 to 30 October 2022


Address: Rua Venezuela 365 - America Garden, SP

Timetables: from thursday to monday – from 13 at 8:0 pm [with schedule by DM @gemagemagemagema or (21) 98282-0099]

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