FCC offers new cultural itineraries of mediated visits


The date commemorates the national historic site, 17 August, the Board of Cultural heritage of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba launches new scripts visits mediated to the Centre of Curitiba. In addition to the two already traditionally conducted by FCC Educational action team, a Solar-focused of the Baron and the other in the architectural ensemble of the historical sector, will be offered three more thematic itineraries: "Poty Lazzarotto panels", "Construction of the Paraná Identity" and "religious diversity".

The mediations are free and take place from Tuesday to Friday, the 9:00 the 12:00 and the 2:00 pm 5:00 pm, in the historical Sector, through scheduling by phone (41) 3321-3275 or via email educativasetorhistorico@fcc.curitiba.pr.gov.br.

Each schedule, the team is preparing for the mediation studying and planning the best way to work according to the demands of each group. "The Curitiba's historic sector offers numerous opportunities for learning from historical elements, and artistic heritage ", says the Coordinator of Ação Educativa of FCC, Anooshe Cassiana Silva, Noting that this knowledge is important for the development of citizen consciousness.

Painel Poty Lazzarotto, Tropeiros. Foto: Divulgação.
Poty Lazzarotto Panel, Tropeiros. Photo: Disclosure.

The new script "Poty Lazzarotto panels" takes the Viewer to know five works of the artist: the panels "first Centenary of political emancipation of Paraná" (in the square 19 December), "The theatre of the World" (on the facade of the Teatro Guaíra), "Images of the city", "The fair of Largo da Ordem" (both the platter Nestor de Castro) and "Cinnamon" (in the Largo da Ordem). According to Anooshe Cassiana, throughout the mediation proposal is to evaluate the importance of these works to the city, provide information and stimulate reflection. Are covered, for example, aspects about what each work objectively displays, What are the reactions that they are able to raise, the techniques used, the social and historical contexts to which they are linked and the possibilities of reading of your images, signs and symbols.

The script "religious diversity" is the tree Gameleira (Tiradentes Square), Cathedral of Curitiba, Church of the order, Museum of sacred art, Independent Presbyterian Church, Church of the Rosary, Hare Krishna Temple, Lutheran Church, Ruins of San Francisco and Mosque. In this script, visitors receive information about the origin of the site, historical issues, religious and architectural-related aspects.

The symbols and elements related to the construction of identity are another theme Paraná script which includes the square 19 December, Museu Alfredo Andersen, Memorial of Curitiba, Poty Lazzarotto Panel transom Nestor de Castro and John Turin. Mediation includes symbols and aspects related to the formation of the State, by your artistic bias, political and cultural.

The scripts last between 1:30 and 2:30, and can be adapted for groups of children. In addition to the team who plays in the Centre of Curitiba, the coordination of educational action keeps mediators in the Municipal Museum of art, in the neighborhood Gate.

Painel Poty Lazzarotto, Imagens da Cidade. Foto: Divulgação.
Poty Lazzarotto Panel, Images of the city. Photo: Disclosure.

Check out the scripts available:

Historical Sector (Memorial of Curitiba, Water cooler, Casa Romário Martins, Church of the order, Hoffmann House, Church of the Rosary, Fountain of Memory, Villa Wolff, Flower clock and society Garibaldi).
Target audience: children from 4 years (Adapted Screenplay) and adults (full script).
Number of visitors: maximum group 30 Kids, having a responsible for each 10 Kids. Group of adults to combine with the responsible at the time of scheduling.
Duration: Between 1:00 the 2:30, Depending on the Group serviced.

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Solar do Barão (Museum of photography, Museum of Engraving, Educational sector and gastronomic events).
Target audience: from 4 years
Number of visitors: maximum group 35 people.
Duration: Between 1:00 the 1:30, Depending on the Group serviced.

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Identity construction in Paraná (Square 19 December, Museu Alfredo Andersen, Memorial of Curitiba, Poty Panel Nestor de Castro and John Turin).
Target audience: adults.
Number of visitors: maximum group 30.
Duration: Between 1:30 the 2:00.

Poty Lazzarotto panels ("first Centenary of political emancipation of Paraná", "Images of the city", "The fair of Largo da Ordem", "Drover" and "the theatre in the world").
Target audience: children from 10 years (Adapted Screenplay) and adults (full script).
Number of visitors: maximum group 30 Kids, having a responsible for each 10 Kids. Group of adults to combine with the responsible at the time of scheduling.
Duration: Between 1:30 the 2:30, Depending on the Group serviced.

Religious Diversity (Gameleira Tree, Cathedral, Church of the order, From masac, Independent Presbyterian Church, Church of the Rosary, Hare Krishna Temple, Lutheran Church, Ruins and Mosque).
Target audience: children from 10 years (Adapted Screenplay) and adults (full script).
Number of visitors: maximum group 30 Kids, having a responsible for each 10 Kids. Group of adults to combine with the responsible at the time of scheduling.
Duration: Between 1:00 the 1:30, Depending on the Group serviced.

Municipal Museum of art (Muma) – The mediations address a wide variety of discussions on art and other areas, In addition to the historical presentation of MuMA and Cultural gate, addressing his relationship with the city of Curitiba. Mediation has fixed works that occupy the space of the patrimony, including panels of renowned artists Frank Giglio, Poty Lazzarotto and Tomie Ohtake, as well as travelling exhibitions in three different exhibition rooms: Room 1, Celia Neves Lazzarotto and Domitius Pandey. The visit also includes the Digital Art Center.

Check out the video with the guided the Poty panels visited Lazzaroto located in the historic centre of Curitiba:


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