Faces of Pandemic: Maybe you identify with any of these stories

Anthology organized by Paula Barros brings together 10 fictional stories about the Covid-19 pandemic


The new Coronavirus pandemic, a Covid-19, arrived in an overwhelming way, harming and taking the lives of people all over the world. Workers, unemployed, entrepreneurs, students and any other citizen suffered some damage with the mandatory social isolation, and aiming at the reality of these people, a writer Paula Barros organized the anthology “Faces of Pandemic”, a literary work composed by tales of diverse authors that involve the anxieties and dilemmas of the current pandemic.

Ana Paula Pereira, Barbara Palermo, Bibiana Danna, Ceginara, Fê Costa, Gabriela Semensato, Nathália Laryssa do Amaral, Paula Barros, Raphael Coutinho and Vânia Lara are the authors who are part of “Faces of Pandemic”, the first anthology of Editorial Vem para Narnia.

All tales are fictional, but it has the power to make readers identify with the realities of the characters. In addition, all authors propose to show different ways to face and deal with the disease that has killed more than 178 1000 people in Brazil.


“Faces of Pandemic” It will be released on 10 December by Editorial Vem para Narnia.

About Faces of Pandemic

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In this anthology, know 10 fictional stories of people who experienced the facts that we all witness constantly in our daily lives, after Coronavirus goes down in history.

Maybe you can identify with any of them.

These are short stories written by different authors that reveal different ways of facing an overwhelming and highly contagious disease, according to the place or social class in which we find ourselves.

Be moved by each of these names and faces before the Pandemic.

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