Your beginning comes from far away.
Your end ends in your beginning.
Look around.
Everything is the same.
Everything is without change.
Only the colors and lines have changed.
What do colors matter?, to the Lord of Light?
Within the colors the light is the same.
What do the lines matter?, for the Lord of Rhythm?
Inside the lines the rhythm is the same.
Others see with shadowed eyes.
That the world has disturbed,
With the new ways.
With new paints.
You will see with your eyes.
In wisdom.
And you will see far beyond.
(MEIRELES, 1982, Song XXII)
The work of art invites you to see beyond lines and shapes. The artist interprets the world he sees and surrounds him with his creative imagination.
This was the great woman who enchanted everyone in the field of Art.
Mexican Frida, with colorful clothes, just like the color of your country, full of flowers and happy and receptive people, she was a woman ahead of her time.
Her work not only interpreted the world around her, but also brightened the History of Art.
As colorful and joyful as her work are the works that pay homage to her in a beautiful traveling exhibition that already has its 13th. Edition, this time on display in the city of Santos, São Paulo.
On first viewing, the group had 15 artists, number that has already increased to 50, which led the curators to create two groups, rotating the presence of artists in each edition.
The success of the beautiful exhibition was due to the persistence and quality of the works that draw praise wherever they go., but, above all the desire to take Art to every corner.
The diversity of techniques makes the characteristics of each artist clear.. The poetry of each work reveals the way in which each person interpreted the great Mexican artist, with your clothes, your unique look and a little bit of Mexico, that was so impressed in Frida's work.
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Much of what the artist was, your feelings, your dreams, the way she overcame obstacles and her inner strength remained her legacy to the world and to the women who look up to her.
The result is a beautiful and colorful exhibition that makes clear the experiences and concerns of the great Frida, with contemporary perceptions.
And a deep sigh of enchantment fills the room with the colorful works and the serene look of the woman who enchanted the History of Art..
Curated by Maria Vieira, the exhibition can be visited until the day 8 September 2024, at the VIP Gallery in Santos, at the Patrícia Galvão Cultural Center, Avenida Senador Pinheiro Machado, 48, Vila Matias.

Sorocaba – São Paulo
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E-mail: rosangelavig@hotmail.com