Exhibition “Universe, picture of creation”


Solo exhibition of art in
Cultural Centre “Martha Watts”

Following short presentation of the artist from Porto Alegre / RS, Maria Mallmann, who will be exhibiting their work in July on pictorial Monet Room, at the Center Martha Watts Cultural’, one of the most important sites linked to art and culture in the State of São Paulo.

Having as theme the Universe, the artist shows in your moment of change in the creative process and new aspirations when tackling a new and exciting topic.


Maria Mallmann participated in collective shows in São Paulo Planet Water at Art Point Gallery and Planet Light, the cultural space of the Library Pref. Prestes Maia, with the support of the City Hall of Sto. Amaro. In Caraguatatuba participated in the shows Sea, with the support of City Hall.

In Piracicaba participated in the shows Open all Windows, all under the curatorship of Carlos Augusto de Almeida.

Previous shows had official support and now in Piracicaba, has the support and is part of the cultural program of the Centro Cultural Martha Watts.




Project summary

Aims to bring to the exhibition grounds located in living room Monet on the premises of the Cultural Centre “Martha Watts” in Piracicaba – SP, art show of an artist in the southern region of the country, and that now comes to show us their works resulting from a new phase, a lot of research and a time of transition, How do you explain the artist herself;

“A matter of transition, a date.
It's not about simply changing technique, abandoning the brushes.
Goes beyond.
This is release of styles, techniques, Stigmata…
Not to worry in a quest for perfect risk, for details.
This is to allow my instinct guide me, flowing and transcending my limits, and thus creating, free of any external influences. A real creative expansion by perception.
It is a pure connection, a direct connection to my art.
It's about my deeper I.
And today I can express it in my works.
This is my essence”

Maria Mallmann

The challenge is a component that is part of the contemporary world and largest in the artist's life, those who face, exceed and go out in search of new challenges, are the artists that leave us a legacy to be admired, because the work that does not present a challenge to the observer, don't propose anything. Maria lives of challenges, in his pictorial work the faces of front, without fears, the gaze of the artist who at first seems to be just the contemplation, but when you look at your work, We note the powerful force of the proposed theme.

The Sea, theme of his previous work, runs on a reading almost abstracted, but, When faced with the work, We realize that the sea must in essence, the strength! Intact and powerful represented on screen by the free interpretation of the artist.

The Universe, theme of your new phase, We realize that your attitude to work is still very strong, but bringing the viewer his change from the new paths, positioning now.

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Carlos Augusto de Almeida

Curator of the exhibition

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The intent of this show is to provide to the public contact with new forms of creation, Awakening and expanding further our understanding on relevant issues.



“Open all Windows” Collective art show
Participating artist;
Maria Mallmann, of Osório RS
▪ Curadoria: Carlos Augusto de Almeida.
▪ Support: Center Cultural Martha Watts

Opening: Day 3 in July the 19 hs.
Exhibition: Of the day 6 to 24 of July 2015.
Time: Monday-Friday, 09:00 to 17:00 hours.
Local: Monet Room

Center Cultural Martha Watts
Street Boa Morte 1.257 – Piracicaba SP
Tel: (19) 3124.1889
Entrance: free

Cultural Production: Carlos Augusto de Almeida
Tel: (11) 98363.5013
email: carlosaugusto.arte@gmail.com

“In the folds of the universe, the expansion of áuricos winds in resonance with the frequencies galaxias”


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