Exhibition "A minute and a half to head | 1'30' 'with head ", by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

Marcelo Neves The Art Gallery opens the exhibition "A minute and a half with head", visual artist Ricardo Munoz. Who signs the curator is Oscar DAmbrosio.

The title “One half minute with heads” is an expression used in newsrooms of TV news, which means advertising matter, break the news, show the pictures and complete the report at this time. The artist invited 16 journalists to write about what bothers them in the social environment in which they live. From there the artist created through intertextuality languages ​​works conversing with these texts. The individual brings twenty works. Works - paintings with mixed media, sculptures and an installation.

The Muñoz's work goes far beyond concepts. References sharply widen the scope of coverage and introspection of visual discourse proposed for the viewer to designate a form of sensory threshold and timeless meaning. The works provoke a natural insight to have relevance as argument the influential power of television journalism.


The Artist: Ricardo Muñoz

Ricardo Muñoz, 48 years, born in São Paulo, It is formed in journalism. He worked in the main stations of the country. He studied History of Art.

Journalism remained in striking artwork. Muñoz left the computer and searched the brushes to have more creative freedom and be even more critical.

Professional and personal experiences built a path that go beyond the simple presentation of traditional plastics resources. In his works the artist makes a unique fusion of conceptual and plastic subjects.

Binds chromatic and structural different contexts of culture and art as surrealism, graffiti, the sculptural process and conceptualism. The result is a strong work, with a particular identity and visual representation.

"Producing art is a need to represent reality from my perspective and perception. I search, from an aesthetic sense, awaken and stimulate the viewer awareness interest. Busco cause some effect, a meeting of my experiences with the viewer. In the texts produced by journalists sought dialogue. Materialize or imaterializar what most of them inspired me ".

(Ricardo Muñoz)

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Curated By: Oscar dambrosio

Degree journalism ECA USP (1986), degree in Letters (Portuguese English) the Faculty of Arts and Education at the University Mackenzie (1986), Dramatic Literature specialization-ACE by USP (1989), MA in Visual Arts by the Arts Institute of Unesp (2004) and post-doc (2019) and PhD in Art Education Program History and Culture at the University Mackenzie (2013). Author of several books on naive art area and contemporary art. It has experience in the area of ​​Communication, curator and author of texts for catalogs and presentations of various contemporary artists.

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Local: Marcelo Neves Art Gallery
Address: Pedroso de Morais street, 1067 – Pine trees – São Paulo/SP.
Vernissage: day 30/07/2019 from 18:00
Parking lot: Vallet service on site.
Visitation to day 30/08/2019:
Monday to Friday from 10:00 the 19:00 hours
Saturday from 10:00 the 14:00 hours.
Phone: 11 2476-1405
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricardo.g.munhoz
Instagram: Ricardo_munhoz
WebSite: www.marcelonevesartgallery.com.br
E-mail: escultormarcelo@gmail.com
Virtual Catalog Exhibition:





São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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