Exhibition “Série de Peito Aberto e Godê” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.

Next Saturday will be happening here in São Paulo – Capital the "Série de Peito Aberto e Godê" Exhibition, of the artist Vilma Kano. This exhibition is of a very special character in the subject which the artist discusses "Breast Cancer".

Vilma Kano is a plastic artist/graphic innovative. Explores the expressiveness of matter with techniques inspired by the oriental roots of Kirigami, in search of a synthesis. It is the union of traditional to modern, elegant and concise.

The incisions in her artworks tell a story of love for life, and the colors reflect strength and vigor. More than overcoming, the Série de Peito Aberto e Godê is a new look at the disease and all the ills that accompany it. Demystifying! It is the hope of a new future for Brazilians.


Edmundo_Cavalcanti_Vilma_Kano_Exposicao_Peito_AbertoPart of the revenues from the sale of the artworks in this series is intended to fund support to women with breast cancer. “The Galeria Amî, where the event happens, also contribute by donating part of their monthly income for this project”.

To 2014, the estimate is more than 156 new cases per day, according to data from the INCA. Over 6 per hour! In 2012, 522 thousand women died because of breast cancer in the country.

Special thanks to the supporters of this private initiative: Mib Group, Bus TV, Itabom, Clube MESC, Benchmark Design and Projeto São Paulo City.

Realization: Galeria Amî.

Fan Page of Artist on Facebook: Vilma Kano.


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Exhibition Opening Cocktail: “Série de peito aberto e godê” in Galeria Amî, from 17 hs to 23 hs, on day 03/May/2014. The exhibition continues until day 11 May. The Galeria Amî – is on Aspicuelta Street, 259 – Vila Madalena – São Paulo – SP. See map below:

[googlemap src=”” width =”620″ height =”330″ align=”aligncenter” ]




São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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