Exposure Ruy Ohtake, Unpredictabilities, Design and furniture by Rosangela Vig

Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

Exposure Ruy Ohtake, Unpredictabilities, Design and Furniture


When art invades the environment and mingles to architecture and Design, the result could not be better. The surprising, the unpredictable and Beautiful, attest that everything should flow like a joke when looking.

The ten pieces of the exhibition of the renowned architect Ruy Ohtake 1 prove that the diversity of materials provides not only a pleasant surprise, but also functionality and lightness. Among the objects of furniture, five are original, developed in the last ten years, for use as seats, banks, trimmers and Loveseats. The lightness and parts the final impression is that the structures belong to the environment, such is its integration with colors and shapes, What approaches the pieces of a Contemporary sense, as works of art incorporated in furniture.

The exhibition of the works of Ruy Ohtake can be seen until the day 6 September, in Tomie Ohtake Institute.


Check out some pieces:

Credit Photos: Nelson Kon.

1 Ruy Ohtake, official website:

Video Metropolis-TV Cultura:

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Exposição: Ruy Ohtake, imprevisibilidades, desenho e mobiliário

Abertura: 13 de agosto, às 20h
Até 06 de setembro de 2015 – terça a domingo, das 11h às 20h – entrada franca
Instituto Tomie Ohtake

Av. Faria Lima 201 (Entrada pela Rua Coropés 88) – Pinheiros SP Fone: 11 2245 1900
(Metrô mais próximo – Estação Faria Lima/Linha 4 – amarela)

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