exhibition Posters & Vinyl debut in Room Leila Diniz


Works pay homage to national and international artists

The artist Marcelo Toffoli presents the Leila Diniz Culture Room, between days 18 February and 28 March, his show "Posters & Nail ". Inspired by the album covers the years 70 to 90, Marcelo exposes about 30 works honoring great names of national and international music, all worked in acrylic on canvas, realism graphite and techniques using crayons.

Rock, Blues, jazz and Brazilian popular music styles are more prevalent in their references. Its main bet Madonna's face, the artist, which also acts as a photographer, uses its distinctive look to create the works. Toffoli also features singers and bands, as Elis Regina, Renato Russo, Nirvana, Rita Lee, Elton John and many others.


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"My look is on fine, fine arts and the musical work that was done by these artists throughout their seasons. My expectation is to inspire as many people through my art ", aims painter.

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As a tribute to the actress Leila Diniz, Cultural Center was created by the Official Press of the State of Rio de Janeiro in 2011. The space gives the opportunity for any artist to take your work to the public, who, on the other hand, It has free access to exhibitions, plays and concerts.

Exhibition "Posters & Nail "
Local: Culture room Leila Diniz
Date: 18/02/2019 to 28/03/2019
Operation: From Monday to Friday, das 10h às 17h
Address: Rua Professor Heitor Carrilho, nº 81 - Center, Niterói

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