Exhibition Shows Creative Process of 36 Artists from All Brazil


Exhibition Against time

Curated By: CAW

Overflowing art is when we are forbidden to express our feelings, wishes, anxieties and anxieties. Artists show each creative process in their most intimate desire to create and make art. Arrested for facts, but overflowing acts.


Each artist has a different meaning of each feeling for himself, not letting it show the same but rather unique, even if the brush is drawn in the opposite direction and with the same color, how it was done or thought is different, carrying the work of opposite meanings, different and indecipherable. Almost an entry code for everyone's inner world.

As each person has its differential, each work also becomes unique and irreplaceable, from birth to your first flights, although Against time not to be replaced.

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Running out of time is no easy task, many need to go out of their way to achieve what they want, with this, each Artist shows their creative process by filming themselves when they are creating their works in the most varied techniques, photography, painting, drawing, digital art, performance, installation, sculpture, video art, lick lick and embroidery, highlights CAW Artistic Direction“.

Thinking about the creative process of each person who creates and creates every moment to survive in their daily lives, has the same relationship as the artist's creative process that is done to survive, completing the cycle of the relationship of each Person's creative process and each Artist's creative process.

Among the Artists:

Julia Benetton – Osório / RS
Caio Barbosa – Salvador / BA
João Saldanha – São João de Meriti / RJ
Anderson – São Paulo/SP
Thyerri Messagi – Osório / RS
Alessandra Pereira – Cruz / EC
Leonardo Mareco – Campo Grande/MS
Angelica Ribeiro – Curitiba/PR

Date: By 04 December
Local: www.youtube.com/channel/UCC8l-J4l1xVfZ4Pd6-HCXIw

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