Exhibition “More Love, Please” in CDN Space of Arts of Lu Valença


The artist Lu Valencia invites us to a journey into the loving universe, with the Exhibition More Love, Please.

“Love is vital to our lives as the air, and is well recognized that without love the creature does not survive. I speak of love in many different ways: physical love, platonic love, maternal love, love of life.” tells Lu.

Lu Valença exposes her artworks in the CDN Space of Arts, in the period of 18 of october to 18 of december. At the exhibition “More Love, Please”, she seeks to dialogue with the public about the importance of love in our balance.


His works carry a depth that leads us to reflect on the emotions, relationships, and the search for love as the way to happiness. Through her exhibition, she hopes to reach the public and encourage them to think about the different forms of love and its universality.

The exhibition opening will be held on 18 october at 19h and will feature with the performance of Gabriel Bellas and interpreted songs by Martinha & Trio.

Invitation of the Event:

Exposição "Mais Amor, Por Favor" no Espaço CDN de Artes de Luciane Valença. Divulgação.


Vernissage: 18 October at 19h (end at 22h)
Visitation: until 18 of december
Days and Hours: From 2ª to 6ª from 8h to 11h and 14h to 22h
Saturday from 11h to 20h (Saturday)
Local: Centro de Dança Niterói
Mem de Sá Street, nº 79 – Ground Floor / Icaraí

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Niterói – Rio de Janeiro
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