Exposure Light Balloon inaugurates the activities of Solar Art Gallery in 2018


Starting the year exhibition 2018, from 8 March, Solar Art Gallery, NGO Solar Meninos de Luz, free promote the exhibition Light Balloon. Curated by Marisa Flórido and coordination Osvaldo Carvalho, 16 artists intertwine in network order, coming through the invitation of the participants already, always related. The curator invites 4 artists, inviting another each, invite your guests one more each, at last, invite another each, totaling 16 participants.

Light balloon refers to the poem Weaving the morning, of João Cabral de Melo Neto, and reveals that a lone individual can not build alone and we need the interpersonal relationships in life and in art. This text-book exposure is common fabric delicacy and care.

each artist, to be invited, You receive a word and must work their art according to the theme. themes will be worked out as the horizon, ponte, truth, anoitecimento, shade and wind, among others. Will be exposed 16 parts, from 16 artists, thus closing the playful proposed network.


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Solar Light boys is a civil organization and philanthropic, promoting integral education, Culture, sports, support for professionalization, basic health care and social assistance to families with higher level of destructuring of the Peacock communities-Communities and Cantagalo. The work has 34 years of existence and celebrated 26 years of Education Program in full 2017. The 430 children of 3 months before the 18 years of age remain in the nursery to high school Solar, joining universities and good jobs.

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Adolfo Montejo Navas
Ana Tereza Prado Lopes
Ana Victoria Mussi
Beth Esteves
Celina Almeida Neves
Chang Chi Chai
Claudia Lyrio
Denise Calasans
Fernanda Leme
Julio Castro
Maria Fernanda Lucena
Mauro Espíndola
Mercedes Lachmann
Roberta Paiva
Sonia Andrade
Talita Tunala

Exposure Light Balloon
Curated by Marisa Flórido Cesar
Coordination of Osvaldo Centeno
Period: 8 March to 28 April
Visitation: from Monday to Friday: 09h to 6:00 pm – Saturdays: 09h to 1:00 pm
Address: Solar Art Gallery – Rua Saint Roman, nº 146,
Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Entrance: free
Phone: (21) 3202-6900

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