Solo exhibition-Rosangela Vig-balloons and imaginary worlds

Rosângela Vig é Artista Plástica e Professora de História da Arte.
Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

The day opened parassol your embroidery
Of clouds and green ramaria:
And was even a smoke, climbing,
Thoroughly designed.

Then came, in the blue sky arched,
The Moon-the Moon! -in the middle of noon.
On the street, a little boy who followed
Stopped, was staring in awe…

I put my shoes on the high window,
On the edge… Heaven is missing
To support the existence of rude!

And they dream of, real estate dazzled,
They are two old boats stranded
On the edge of a pond…
(QUINTANA, 2007, p.18)


In very, poet's heart beats as the artist and, the whole world would fit in their imagination, Maybe it would be reinvented. Receive strokes of Enchantment, extra doses of childhood and ephemeral portions of colors. And the soul divagaria elated by these worlds, sovereign, loosed the knots and omens.

It may be that these universes have your orbit in the colourful overblown balloon leading the other vagaries of fantasy. This may have been the greater purpose of artist Rosangela Vig, in his works of the series balloons and imaginary worlds. Their colorful balloons seem to jump from the scene, by means of three-dimensional effect. Sometimes they appear in real worlds, monochrome. Other times, these worlds are fantastic, with towers and castles that may melt or move with the waves of the sea or in the wind. As for balloons, just fly over these worlds. Do not seem to belong to scenes, taking off of them, as if insurmountable realities protagonizassem. Of their colorful, extract the final effect of which belong to our reality. It's as if the viewer were flying over these worlds on one of the balloons.

Ten works of the series will be exposed to 2 to 23 October, in the Gallery of the library Culture, Market Place Shopping Mall, located at Avenida Chucri Zaidan, 902, floor 1, store 222. They can be seen from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 to 10:00 pm and on Sundays and holidays, the 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. It is worth visiting and traversing the imaginary worlds of artist.





QUINTANA, Mário. Quintana de Pocket. Porto Alegre: L&PM Pocket, 2007.

The figures:

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Fig. 1 – Boats coming to the imaginary city, acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 2 – Boats coming to the imaginary city II, color pencil on paper, Rosângela Vig.

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Fig. 3 – Amusement park on imaginary city, acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 4 – Balloons about Venice, acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 5 – Balloons over the city Melted, color pencil on paper, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 6 – The Magic Vessel on arid landscape, acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

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