Exhibition "In Progress" on Leila Diniz Culture Room


From day 13 November, Culture Room Leila Diniz receive exposure “In Progress”, the artist Wil Catarina. In his first solo exhibition, the artist brings some of his new trajectory. Moving away from the graphic design, Wil overflows in their arts throughout his repertoire on the sea.

The exhibition In Progress mix colors, forms and techniques. The visual artist is always looking experimenting with mixing elements, reminiscent of the years and the progress of colors. In this exhibition, the artist brings the rigor of geometric detachment to free strokes, use of primary colors to the mix of possibilities of watercolors. It also features originally drawn forms of environmental elements.

In this transit, starting on figuration to reach the abstraction, They are always present in his works the sea, ships, "Land in sight" and the skyline, elements with which dealt with his experience and professional activities.


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Wil Catarina is visual artist, technical designer, designer and graduated in advertising production. It Nature, especially the sea, as a source of inspiration to produce their arts. The Niterói of 51 years, Current graduate student of UFF Arts brings with over 10 years of experience. While military of the Brazilian Navy, created the commemorative stamps Polar Year Antarctic 2007 and produced pieces of public relations and dissemination.

Exhibition “In Progress” the Leila Diniz Culture Room, Will Catarina
Date: 13/11 – 06/12
Time: 10h às 17h (Monday to Friday)
Free entry
Address: Rua Prof.. Heitor Carrilho, 81 - Center, Niterói - Culture Room Leila Diniz
Phone: 2717-4055 / 2717-5299
E-mail: saladecultura@ioerj.com.br
Social networks: Culture Leila Diniz (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube)


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