Exhibition “Gueishas” – Individual of the Artist Carolina Saidenberg in Gallery Amî by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.

The exhibition "Gueishas", the artist Carolina Saidenberg, features paintings inspired series in the Eastern world, with emphasis on gueishas and oriental courtesans.

The public is invited to unravel the mysteries behind now looks sad, now inquirers, lost in time, a closed world full of mysteries, that can not survive outside of themselves, much less to the present day.

His works are produced in mixed technique: oil, charcoal, acrylic and gilding, technique that the artist learned at the time lived in Milan, Italy to study jewelry design, fashion and art.


In the poster Galeria Amî, between days 21 and 31 August 2014, Tuesday to Saturday, das 12h às 20h, e domingo, from 14h to 19h.

Invitation of the Event:

Artwork of Carolina Saidenberg

Free Entry

Aspicuelta Street, 259

Vila Madalena, São Paulo - SP.
Check the map:

[googlemap src=”” width =”620″ height =”330″ align=”aligncenter” ]


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Artwork of Carolina Saidenberg

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São Paulo – Brasil
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