“Green Minds” exhibition mixes arts and environment to propose a reflection on ecology in the contemporary

The event will be held at the Correios Cultural Center in Rio de Janeiro for almost 40 days


In 2022, are celebrated the 50 years of World Environment Day, established by the UN, in 1972, in Sweden, in addition to scoring 30 years that the organization has been concerned with promoting meetings to address climate issues, having started at Eco92, in Rio de Janeiro. With environmental issues increasingly pressing around the world, to exhibition “Green Minds” aims to raise the flag for environmental preservation and debate climate change in the micro environment and in the global sphere.. The event, that will occur between 6 October and 19 November, curated by Cota Azevedo and Isabela Simões and cultural production by Augusto Herkenhoff, that will propose to the artists of Coletivo Zagut actions to occupy the external patio of the Centro Cultural Correios do Rio de Janeiro (CCC –RJ).

“The topic of ecology is a constant topic among artists, either by the use of materials from nature, recycled, whether acting in the middle to carry out a work. In the contemporary, one can observe the reflections that involve the ecosystem with a focus on sociocultural issues and climate policy. In this way, the Green Minds exhibition has as its motto the United Nations meeting, COP27, which discusses the greenhouse effect and global efforts to reduce polluting gas emissions”, says Cota Azevedo, Curator of the exhibition.

A COP 27 is a United Nations conference that brings together world leaders to debate climate issues and think of solutions to reduce the impact of global warming.. This year, it will take place in Egypt. In October 2021, the World Health Organization (OMS) published a report, used as the basis for the latest edition of the COP 26, em Glasgow, which highlighted the need to comply with an old issuance agreement “zero carbon” by the year 2050 to ensure human life.

The “Green Minds” exhibition will include three different actions, that serve as an alert for environmental issues. The first will be exposed for more than 40 days in the courtyard of the Centro Cultural Correios, from the opening date. The second is thought to be on the same day as the opening of the COP 27, in 7 November. The third and final action will be held on the last day of the event.. The works and actions can also be seen through an art catalog, in book format, on editorial platform and virtual gallery.


“The arts have been giving visibility to this concern, being a recurring theme of works and exhibitions, including Zagut. They are related works about the destruction of the planet, the coronavirus pandemic and the need for harmonious coexistence. In countless ways art relates to ecology.”, points the also curator, Isabela Simões.

The artists who will participate in Green Minds 2022 São Ale Silva, Alex Araripe, Alexander Murucci, Amanda Morais, Ana Angelim, Ana Cristina Teixeira, Ana Luiza Mello, Ana Pose, Angela Moraes, Alexandre Palma directed short films about Patapio Silva and Casquinha da Portela. At the opening of the exhibition, the artist will present the performance, Bahie Banchik, Belladonna, Bia Serranoni, Carla Crocchi, Carmen Givoni, Celina Nolli, Celso Adolfo, Cerise E, Cissa Jorge, Claudia Carneiro, Claudia Castro Barbosa, Claudia Tolentino, Collective Watermarks, Conceicao Durães, Azevedo quota, Cunca Bocayuva, Danielle Santa Cruz, Daniele Bloris, Debora Carneiro da Cunha, Biju, Dora Portugal, Dulce Lysyj, Eduarda Serra, Eduardo Mariz, Eliane Carrapateira, Fabi Cunha, Gilda, Goulart, Gilda Lima, Giselle Vasquez, Gloria Conforto, Graci Kaley, gringo carioca, Guilherme Baptista, Guta Moraes, Guto Goulart, Helen Pomposelli, Heloisa Alvim, Ilda Fuchshuber Falacio, Iracia de Oliveira, Isabela Bentes, Isabella Marino, Isis Braga, Estefania Rubino, Jarbas Paullous, Jefferson Lopes, Jemile Diban, Joel Gama, Jose Rocha, Karin Cagy, Katia Politzer, Lando Faria, Laudy Mendes, Leila Bokel, Lena Yew, Len Cavalcanti, Leticia Potengy, Liana González, Ligia Calheiros, Luah Jassi, Lucia Lyra, Lucio Volpini, Marcelo Veiga, Márcio Kozlowski, Maria Beatriz Trevisan, Maria Cecilia Leão, Maria Perdigão, Mariana Nobre, Mariza Vescovini, Marli Paes Leme, MarQo Rocha, Martha Bonimond, Mary Di lorio, Miro PS, Moema White Boy, Nadia Aguilera, Nanda Godoy, Nilton Pine, Naomi Ribeiro, Pat Freire, Patricia Torrelly, Regina Helene, Regina Moura, Rita Fernanda Claro, Roberta Salgado, Ronald Duarte, Rose Aguiar, Rose Nobre, Salazar Figueiredo, Sandra Schechtman, Silvana Godoi, Silvio Moreia, Sonia Camacho, Sonia Taunay, Sonia Xavier, Tanya Lima, Tatiana Dauster, Teresa Asmar, Teresinha Mazzei, Tessara, Thairn Patricia Lee, Vanize Claussen, Vilma Lima, Vitoria Marini, e Vitoria Stenjman.


Local: Cultural Center Correios RJ (Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 20 - Center, Rio de Janeiro - RJ)

Visitation: from 6 October to 19 November

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Opening: 6 October from 3pm

Time: Tuesday to Saturday from 12 to 19 h

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Entrance: Free

Rating: Free

How to get there: Subway (get off at Uruguaiana station, Exit towards Rua da Alfândega); bus (jump at points near Rua Primeiro de Março, from Praça XV or Candelária); boats (Terminal Praça XV); VLT (jump on ave. Rio Branco/Uruguaiana or Praça XV); trem (get off at Central station and take the tram to AV. Rio Branco / Uruguaiana).

Information: (21) 2253-1580 / E-mail: centroculturalrj@correios.com.br The unit has access for people in wheelchairs and limits the number of visitors, aiming at non-agglomeration.

1 thought on ““Green Minds” exhibition mixes arts and environment to propose a reflection on ecology in the contemporary”

  1. Thanks for this info ! On the other side of the ocean, same thought for me too. In France and Switzerland, two exhibitions at the moment. Presented at the Museum of Geneva, on the decline of bees : https://1011-art.blogspot.com/p/vous-etes-ici.html As well as “Medea's dress “on the loss of biodiversity: https://1011-art.blogspot.com/p/la-robe-de-medee.html
    Current achievements, presented at the Botanical Garden of Nancy “Vanity” : https://1011-art.blogspot.com/p/vanite.html


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