Do not say. This one who gave me body is my Father.
This one that gave me body is my Mother.
Much more, your Father and your Mother are the ones who made you
in spirit.
And these were numberless.
No name.
Of all time.
They left their tracks on the paths of today.
all who have ever lived.
And they're making you day by day
today's, tomorrow's.
And the men, and all things silent.
Your extension extends in all directions.
your world has no poles.
And you are the world itself.
(MEIRELES, 1995, Song XXIV)
In each look there is a narrative; there are moments; there are wrinkles that crease stories; and there are characters. Each element of this narrative builds the being that each of us has become.. We are ourselves and a little bit of each other, with whom we once shared stories. Likewise, we are part of what is someone; we leave a little of ourselves in each one we pass.
A reading of oneself in Art demands to ramble down this path, both subjective and poetic. And only a keen eye is able to understand this person and be able to reproduce it in the form of a work.
Such was the proposal of the curator of Arte Vera Itajaí, from the ICASAA Gallery to the artists. For the exhibition, artists just need to paint their self-portraits, according to your way of producing art, according to your world, with his way of interpreting himself. The works will be displayed on the gallery's website at the link below.
And it is the curator's own work that delights the eye. Her look at herself allows her to travel through the field of Art, with emphasis on earth tones, contrasting with black and white. Your spontaneous and sweet smile is illuminated by the light that permeates the environment. The delicacy of the work has the perfect dosage of colors.
Artists interested in taking part in this gallery event can contact curator Vera Itajaí, on the same link.
Link: galeriadearte-institutoicasaa.com/brasil-coletivo-self-portrait-expo-eu-sou-assim
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MEIRELES, Cecília. Cânticos. São Paulo: Editora Moderna, 1995.
Sorocaba – São Paulo
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