Exhibition "Essence of my soul" – Edmundo Cavalcanti


Happened in the last day 06 July, the restaurant and pizzeria Piola-Jardins in Sao Paulo/SP, The vernissage of the exhibition "Essence of my soul" artist and poet Edmund Chandra.

The artist was very happy, for this to be his first solo exhibition, because he had already participated in various other shows, However conferences, in Brazil and abroad.

Were exposed 20 some of his works, in many styles and sizes, all in oil on canvas, many colors, a lot of energy and joy and various themes.


The artist also poet with more than 400 poetry written, all they've posted on their pages on social networks and your blog, also distributed in some of his poetry, to the delight of those present.

His next project is the publication of a book of his poems.

The event was attended by various guests, between friends, artists and supporters of the artist, a night of much art.

The shows will until the day 19 of July and all works are available for sale.

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Credit Photos: Mario Giuseppe Melchior-Melk and Edmundo Cavalcanti.




São Paulo – Brasil
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E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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