Exhibition Elos do Cerrado presents the beauty and challenges for the conservation of the most biodiverse savannah in the world


The virtual exhibition can be accessed from the Instituto Cerrados website

Until the day 30 of december, people from all over the world can visit the exhibition Cerrado Links. The exhibition - homonymous to the event of which it is a part - allows visitors to see the beauty and challenges for the conservation of the world's most biodiverse savannah. The show can be visited at cerrados.org.

The tour takes the public through different environments:


The photo exhibition shows the consequences of deforestation and the success stories in preservation.

Art exhibition presents unpublished works inspired by the biome, produced by artists Anna Menezes, Alexsandro Almeida, Alves, Carol Guyot, Denilson Baniwa, Sophia Pinheiro and Xibi. In addition to a panel with the main cause and effect relationships involving the Cerrado.

Artists and their works:

Denilson Baniwa, 36 years, participates with the work “PANC - Looking for Something Not Contaminated”, in technique: infogravura. PANCs are Unconventional Food Plants that are part of an entire social and food structure of native peoples.

Anna Menezes, 23 years, brings the work “Rastros Edificados”, in technique: transfer of photographic film to the brick. In his work, two-dimensional photography is transformed into a three-dimensional object, moving between memory and displacement.

Alexsandro Almeida, 44 years, displays “Cerrado 01”, in technique: acrylic on canvas. His work brings beauty, to wealth, the diversity and dynamics of the Cerrado, from some typical elements of the biome.

Alves, 44 years, with “Lobo-Guará e Lobeira”, in watercolor and Photoshop. The work treats the dispersion of lobeira seeds by the maned wolf in a poetic and playful way - both typical of the Cerrado.

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Carol Guyot, 32 years, presents “Cerrado Vivo”, a Digital Painting. For the creation of the work, the curves of the Cerrado trees and species such as pequi and ipê were the inspiration. Warm colors, strong and happy express the strength that the biome has.

Xibi, 26 years, participates with the work “Espírito dos Karajás”, in acrylic paint on raw canvas. The screen features a magic scene in which the sunset and the maned wolf combine to symbolize the majestic spirit of the Cerrado.

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Sophia Pinheiro, 30 years, “There is life in what is dry and twisted”, in oily pastel technique and graphite without kraft paper. His work raises the flag for the coexistence between animals-people-plants. The artist also invites reflection on other possible worlds.

Guided tours

The public also has the opportunity to participate in guided lives of the exhibition, with special guests talking about the various “links” that make up our Cerrado.

Under the command of Saulo Andrade, biologist and master in Ecology from the University of Brasília, lives happen on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, às 11h, and on Saturdays, at 11 am and 5 pm. Always lasting 1 hour.

Cerrado Links

Apart from exposure, the event Cerrado Links count with 16 Circles of conversation. In them, experts expose different points of view on what to do so that the remaining half of the biome is not consumed. The guests point out, yet, directions for a more harmonious relationship with the Cerrado.

Elos do Cerrado is an online event promoted by Instituto Cerrados in partnership with the French Embassy, Partnership Fund for Critical Ecosystems (CEPF), International Education Institute of Brazil (IEB), Nature and Culture International (NCI), Institute Society Population Nature (ISPN), WWF-Brazil, Greenpeace Brasil, Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM), Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF), Cerrado Network, Mais Cerrado Foundation, French Alliance of Brasilia, Children of the Nation / SUP Wave, Collective 105, Island Design, Free Pass Idiomas and Apex Accounting.

Virtual Exhibition Cerrado Links
By 30 of december, on the Cerrados Institute website – cerrados.org
Free to all audiences
Information: Instagram @Instituto and on the website cerrados.org/inscricoeselos.

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