New Waves Painting Exhibition at the El Greco Museum, Greece, by Rosângela Vig

Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

Nothing can heal the soul but the senses, just as nothing can heal the senses but the soul – this is one of the great secrets of life. (WILDE, 2006, p.14)


Turning to emotions and senses is one of the main attributes of Art. In the search for the artistic object, sensations produced in the making are included., in appreciating and uncovering the scene that interests us. Who makes the art, the intuitive gaze travels and positions itself somewhere in the image, outlining-a, while contouring your own sketch, as if with each trait his being emerged and unveiled the interior of the soul.

Moved by such a thought, artist Katarzyna Lukaszewicz has always created her works, letting your senses surface, leading creative work to a context of reflection on life. His inspiration resulted in a beautiful collection of works created between 2019 to 2022. In search of your own trend, the artist also added elements extracted from her dreams or the symbology for certain situations. From this search emerged the beautiful art show that the artist named New Wave, on display at the El Greco Museum, in Fodele, at Greece, between 16 and 31 th July 2022, curated by Magdalena Wozniak-Melissourgaki, Ambassador of Greece to the Mondial Art Academy.

For the artist, every element of your Art is loaded with a message, whether by color, by the way, by the texture and the totality of an image. Each element has its importance and its power.. Graduada pela Academia de Artes Strzemiński Łódź (Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź) and master, Katarzyna Lukaszewicz é uma artista interdisciplinar, painter and graphic designer.


In the figure 7, the artist's still life makes clear her tendency with the use of strong colors, softened by the softly dark tones, delimiting shadow and light. The works have patches of color, as if the surfaces were under construction or in motion.

Your way of perceiving the world around you in fullness, allows you to perceive the soul of things, starring them in each scene.

Exhibition Period: 16 from July to 31 th July 2022.

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Time: from 9 to 19:00

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The Museum is closed on Tuesdays.


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  3. FARTHING, Stephen. Tudo Sobre a Arte. Rio de Janeiro: Sextante, 2011.
  4. GOMBRICH, E.H. A História da Arte. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Guanabara, 1988.
  5. HAUSER, Arnold. História Social da Arte e da Literatura. Martins Fontes, São Paulo, 2003.
  6. WILDE, Oscar. O Retrato de Dorian Gray. São Paulo: Editora Scipione, 2006.

Sorocaba  São Paulo
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