Miriam Nigri Schreier exposure, the Pinacoteca Benedito Calixto, is extended until visitation 29 September


The exhibition imaginary cities, of the artist Miriam black Schreier, inaugurated in Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto in the last day 7 August, had its end extended for another week, now the visitation will be open to visitors until Sunday 29 on Sep.

The show features an intriguing set of thirty-three works, half of them produced in the last three years. The suggestive title imaginary cities reveals the urban theme that runs through all the recent work of Miriam black Schreier. But in this new solo exhibition the artist also includes some etchings and paintings on paper, of the period 2013 and 2014. These are works that are opposed to the latest screens, Most of the shows, and allow the viewer to follow the evolution of his language and the technical changes, began in 2012.

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The curator is Carlos Zibel and Antonio Carlos Cavalcanti.

Service – A Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto is at Av. Bartolomeu 15, Boqueirão, Santos, tel. (13) 3288-2260.
The exhibition imaginary cities, from Miriam black Schreier, is open to visitors until the 22 September 2019, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 to 18 hours.
Free entry.

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