Exhibition “Raining Art” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.

I'm increasingly enamored with the creativity of the Brazilian artist, this time it was proved, with the exhibition promoted by Sciacco Studio Escritório de Arte, that happened in the Club “A Hebraica” Marc Chagall Hall in São Paulo-SP from 21 to 24 August.

Part of the proceeds of umbrellas was reversed for Old Friend Project. See the fan page of the Project on facebook and also his site.

We ask the curator of the exhibition Tânia Sciacco, what is the point of this beautiful project:


“in the project Raining Art we seek the connection between the picture and the word.
To play with this idea, chose the umbrella to represent the image and words to represent the rain.

Exposure Raining ArtIn a world where it seemed that only the image force had the word resurfaces, differently, breaking distances through the internet, e-mails, blogs, twitter…

All told in 140 characters or less still, with the hashtags that unite, seduce, win campaigns #whonever chose one to share one? #yeswecan #moreloveplease # assineapetição #rainingart

Copyright images chosen in partnership with artists, designers, photographers and other personalities, were printed on each of umbrellas.

Words that we would "showered" with intensely in our lives written between the images.

The power of image and art circulating in umbrellas. Much rain of love, kindness and solidarity
It rains all that is good!
It's a rain of good!”

See more about the event in the project site and also more photos on fan page of Sciacco Studio.

Participating artists


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Angélica Bittencourt
Beatriz de Carvalho
Beto Riginik
Cecília Centurion
Célia Nahas Garcia
Claudia Cleto
Consuelo Blocker
Cris Mason
Cristina Fagundes
Daniel Fontoura
Dircéa Mountfort
Edu Euka
Eliara Bevilacqua

Eliete Maesano
Elza Aidar
Fernanda Meirelles
Gabi Temer
Jane Wickbold
Joel Reiz
Laís Lopes
Lethicia Bronstein
Lícia Pacífico
Lilian Pacce
Magda Bugelli
Magie Hering

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Maria Cininha
Odhila Renófio
Rafa Vieira
Regina Helou
Ronaldo Fraga
Sabrina Sato
Sérgio Marone
Stella Gomide
Thamar Bortoletto
Theresa Neves
Virgínia Sé
Zuleika Bisacchi

Event Photos:

Credit Photos: Elias Gomes and Daniel Fontoura.




São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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