Chapter I Exhibition


Galeria Modernistas welcomes the Contemporary Collective for the first time, attended by photographers Allan Alves, Herbert Zampier and Ricardo Bhering, starting the Chapter I experimental project, in which the artists focus their views on the intervention of modern man in the transformation of concepts and breaking of paradigms.

The project of which Chapter I is a part and starts brings the proposal that the same photographers return to the Modernistas Gallery at other times in the calendar of 2019, bringing different perspectives on the same topic.

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“The study proposes the evaluation of the outside world, through records of what attracts us, what makes us curious, or even anguish, and that can be interesting, different, only. It's a look that comes before the photo. A kind of preparation that is part of the process”, explains exhibition curator Luciane Valença.

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Chapter I will be on display at Modernistas de 16 to 31 from March with visitation from Thursday to Monday, from 11:00 to 5:00 pm.

Modernists gallery
Rua Paschoal Carlos Magno, 39
Santa Teresa – Rio de Janeiro
Information: 21 3852-8265
Free Entry.

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