Exposure artist Agnes Moretti - Marcelo Neves Art Gallery, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

Marcelo Neves The Art Gallery presents from the day 14 to 27 August the exhibition of the artist in the city of Santos, Inês Moretti.

Agnes Moretti performs his beautiful works in acrylic on canvas and in tissues.

“Small yet copied drawings of figures of comic books. It was a world apart… sitting around my bed, filled with music in mind, fully involved in the magic of stories, trying to play those characters expanded in size…


With the passage of time… represent the feeling experienced at every stage of my life, with a drawing, a painting, was being essential to my development in this trajectory.

Totally dependent on emotion, of the “look with the soul” for people and happenings, They gave me even more arguments for this desire to 'say” this understanding… This “human being” so simple and so believed “complex”…!

In fact, the artist, before any knowledge of “technique”, You need to have itself to “soul” artist… Told by a dear teacher… and that phrase grew… With her, the desire, from the bottom of my heart, a day, to become a true artist…”

Inês Moretti

In addition to plastic artist, the artist is also a poet.

In the window there is a step to paradise… Dream saved chest of the enchanted girl with sunrise! Come that life is beautiful and the soul is light…! The heart of the dreamer is always filled with various flowers in a huge garden where emotions flowers peace, joy and love!
Inês Moretti

Some of his last participation in exhibitions:

2019 - Agnes Moretti Screens Showcase:

Agnes Moretti screens are present at the main entrances of King George Building, located in the city of São Vicente / SP.

2018 - Exhibition in December:

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Exhibition” Solidarity artists” the Pinacoteca Benedito Calixto-Santos / SP.

2018 - V National Exhibition of Plastic Arts (ALA) Exhibition:

V National Exhibition of Fine Arts Location: Paulistana headquarters of the Yacht Club of Santos / SP.

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2018 – Exhibition “Fragments "Atelier Workshop 44:

Exhibition “fragments " (Atelier Workshop 44) Local: Municipal Theater - Santos / SP.

2018 - Exhibition "Color Us”:

Collective Exhibition “Colors are” Agnes Moretti invites his students Entities Anderson House and APAE (St. Vincent) São Paulo.

Local: Marcelo Neves Art Gallery.
Phone: 11 2476-1405
Pedroso de Morais street, 1067 – Pine trees – Sp / SP.
Vernissage: day 14 August 2019 from 18:00 hrs.
Parking lot: Vallet no local.
Visiting from 14 to 27/08/2019
Monday to Friday from 10:00 ACE 19:00 hrs.
Saturdays: from 10:00 the 14:00 hrs.
WebSite: www.inesmorettiart.com.br
email: escultormarcelo@gmail.com
WebSite: www.marcelonevesartgallery.com.br




São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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