Solidarity Art Exhibition – Marcelo Neves Art Gallery, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

Be supportive you also, attend, enjoy beautiful works and make their contribution to a great cause.

Marcelo Neves The Art Gallery hosting the exhibition Art Solidarity Day 5/10/2019, from 15 to h 17 h, in São Paulo, SP. In the event, It is stimulated people to take a handkerchief to raise self-esteem of women undergoing treatment for cancer. The artists who exhibit at the event are sympathetic to participate in this discussion.

It notes that, not long ago, people do not even pronounced the name of the disease, such was the prejudice associated with it. And not a few cases that were diagnosed late, as the exams prevention were not as widely publicized as today.


With the advancement of medicine and the best treatments she provides, it was possible to reduce the mortality and, in this aspect, depending on the form used to combat the disease, hair loss is still a result that affects aesthetics and self-image of women.

The subject, remembered with special attention in October Rose, It is extremely important.

A scarf used in accordance with the style of each patient, a wig or makeup are women's ways to recover your astral and return to rebuild and shine. The Gothic style, art plays an essential role, because the aesthetic is linked to the way we relate with us and the world, especially when it goes through a personal crisis.

Oscar D´Ambrosio

Oscar D'Ambrosio is a journalist by USP, master in Visual Arts by UNESP, degree in Letters (Portuguese and English) and Doctor of Education, Art and History of Culture at Mackenzie University and Communication and Marketing Manager of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo.

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Participating artists:

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Adriana Garibald
Alexandra Betancur
Ana Café
Ana Goulart
Beth Ferraz
Fatima Marques
Gisele Faganello
Gisele Ulysses
Helena D’avila
Ines Moretti
Julia Costa
Magda Necklaces
Marcelo Neves
Patricia Dias
Renata Lauer
Renata Valley
Rose Rossetti
Sueli Dabus
Vania Rossi
Virginia Se

Day 05 October 2019 - The 15:00 the 17:00 hours
Rua Pedroso de Almeida 1067-Pine-Sp / Sp
Parking lot: Wallet no local.




São Paulo – Brasil
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