Exhibition “Antes de Ontem e Depois do Amanhã” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.

Is being held in Casa de Portugal, in São Paulo/SP the exhibition “Antes de Ontem e Depois do Amanha” curated by Maria dos Anjos Oliveira and Tânia Sciacco. The exhibition brings together 15 renowned artists, with their artworks of varying styles and techniques.

According to Maria dos Anjos Oliveira, the idea of making this event arose from the desire to receive friends, fraternize around the universe Woman, and the invitation to participate, was directed to women artists who work tirelessly so that our art is show and appear on the market.

The theme: “Antes do Ontem e Depois do Amanhã”


"Being Woman, is play hard and fight for the causes in which they believe and go winning. Is to have a hidden treasure and yet sharing it with the world. Is to have the past heritage and baggage, but with an eye on the future. It is to be “Antes do Ontem e Depois do Amanhã”. – Maria dos Anjos Oliveira

What impressed us in this exhibition, and we're happy, was once again seen the talent and creativity of brazilian artist.

The exhibition will go to day 31 March.

Participating artists:

  • Claudia Cleto Ferreiro Ribas
  • Daniel Fontoura
  • Elsa Oliveira
  • Elza Haidár
  • Fatima Marinho
  • Jane Hilda Badaró
  • Marcia Baratto
  • Maria Mahler
  • Nilda Luz
  • Odhila Ronófio
  • Rafa Vieira
  • Sergio Grecú
  • Thamar Bortoletto
  • T.Machado
  • Virgínia Sé

Anjos Art Gallery: https://www.facebook.com/AnjosArtGallery

Blog of Miriana Lagazzi: http://mislagazzi.blogspot.com.br

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Photos: Daniel Sciacco and Miriana Legazzi

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São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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