"Coat Expo 2018" by Jessica Theodoro

Jessica Theodoro é Designer de Interiores.
Jessica Tan is Interior Designer.

The 16th edition of Expo Coat occurred last week (13 to 16/03), known as the Fashion Week of Architecture and Construction, and established itself as the main trade fair in the national and international market of the sector.




Check out now rather than rolled past week:

recyclable materials to avoid waste, or less environment impact.

The product is available in the format 30 cm x 30 cm, with a thickness of 4 cm, and composed of small dots that allow the light passing from the external environment to the internal environment or to another one, helping in energy saving.

Coating gain characteristics of a metal in the oxidation process, with architectural concrete strength and practicality.

Same aesthetic and functional benefit of concrete slabs.

geometric inspirations, which depending on the way to put them comes a different paging.

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Line inspired by the ancient Japanese technique, to protect their way through the superficial layers, getting to look different and unique.

Coating for a wall, depending on the incidence of light changes the pink shades.


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