Expo Full Contemporary 10 years of embuense postmodernism showcase


Group exhibition brings together contemporary artists production Embu das Artes and guests

From the idea to discover and reveal talents of contemporary art Embu das Artes, a group of artists decided to launch 2009 a group exhibition to show the public a “showcase” production of this style in the city.

In this momentum, came the Expo Contemporary, which this year celebrates 10 years of existence and will happen from 11/10 to 03/11 at the Cultural Center of Assisi Master Embu, with the exhibition of works by local artists and guests, coordinated by the Department of Culture and curated by Paulo Renato Gonda Dud and the Association of Arts EMBUsca. Admission is free.


Will be on display at the Expo Contemporary works of the following artists: Ze Roberto Carvalho, Correra&Gonda, Emerson Santana, Jofe, Zé Figueiredo, Mitinho Takada, Paul Dud, Gabriel Borba, Tonia of Embu, Alvaro Franklin, Claudio Di Segni, Felipe Senatore, Gaíga, moon Rodrigues, Rodrigo Ramos, Sergio Matukawa Charles Brait. In addition to these, there will be guest artists such as Luiz Badia, Ken Kaneko, Roberval Rodan, Washington Luis Rodrigues, Acacio Pereira, João Bosco e Enillis.

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Contemporary art is an artistic trend that began to manifest itself in the postwar period as an action of separation of modern art. Although there is no consensus among historians and critics, it is considered that it became more evident and has more space with significant changes in the art from the second half of the twentieth century, extending to the present day. At no other time in history artists have had so much creative freedom to express themselves, is technically or conceptually, no institutional commitments to church or politics.

In this artistic current, freedom of creation with the aim of increasing their creative opportunities leads the artist to pass through different periods: o happening, a performace, about minimalismo, a body art, and on art, a pop art e a street art. It is possible to identify some obvious characteristics in contemporary art as: transience of the work, abandoning the traditional supports, the mix of styles, the interaction of the viewer with the work or approach to popular culture, use of the audiovisual and digital media, among other things.

Expo Contemporary 2009 – 2019
Opening: Friday 11/10, at 19h
Period: from 11/10 to 03/11
Local: Cultural center Master of Assisi Embu (Largo 21 April, 29, Center, Embu das Artes)
Entrance: free
Works from Monday to Friday (9h to 9:00 pm) – saturday and sunday (9h to 6:00 pm)
More info: Tel. (11) 4781-4462

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