Ex-student of Panamericana is featured in the Spanish magazine ArtNobel


Soon Panamericana

Karina Sechi is recognized for his work of appreciation of the beauty of women with breast cancer

In the photo: Thania Soto Lemke. Photo of Karina Sechi.
In the photo: Thania Soto Lemke. Photo of Karina Sechi.

The Spanish photographer Karina Sechi, formed by Panamericana Escola de Arte e Design, was featured in the fourth edition of the Spanish magazine of contemporary art, ArtNobel, with the photo project "Aim for you ". This work depicts women during and after treatment of breast cancer, When the reconstruction of the physical identity, psychic and sexual is a complex way of overcoming.


The Aim you began in 2012, When the artist was asked to photograph a friend who started the treatment of cancer. The photographs were made in the Studio of Panamericana. “We conducted a photo shoot where they were used elements of the universe of female vanity who value the image. To see the pictures, for a lengthened period during 40 days, my friend can see that the photographic record was an attempt, unknown prior, looking at who she was at that moment ", account Sechi.

Internationally recognized, the project was selected in the call of Paraty em Foco 2015, received Honorable mention in the photo contest of the City Council of Camaçari, “Universe feminine Singular and plural”, in Bahia in 2014 and 2015, received gold medal, in the press category and silver medal, in the category pictures, no Paris PX3 2014.

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In the photo: Suzana Estela. Photo of Karina Sechi.
In the photo: Suzana Estela. Photo of Karina Sechi.

The photographer explains that the goals of this work are to help patients in the process of recovery and reinvention of individual identity and also to alert the population to the issue of prevention. So that now, mainly, the idea of the "Aim" is to show that you can be beautiful despite the illness and its consequences. "Our proposal is not only impacting society, What interests us, especially, is the effect that images can have on women photographed, on acceptance of the new body and that there is life after breast cancer ", ends.

To learn more about the work of Karina, visit: www.lensculture.com/karina-sechi

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