Everson Fonseca “Mutant Art” to the World by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.

It was with great joy that we received the news that our friend artist Everson Fonseca, will exhibit some of his artworks in 2014 – Korea-Brazil International Exchange Exhibition: SHOUTS OF KOREA in the period of 05 June to 29 June 2014.

Estas obras serão levadas pela Galeria Nuvem de São Paulo-SP.



"Art mutant"


Art mutant, metaphysical transformation of being in the art.

“Everson Fonseca puts himself at the forefront of this movement that could be defined as post-Renaissance, modern, creative and mutant. From the Renaissance to the Surreal. Everson shows beyond creativity, great talent in defined traces, vibrant and pleasantness in his fantastic shades and shapes, a new concept within the Modern Art. Everson stands out as a great name of our contemporary artists”. – Tony Marques

Everson Fonseca is a Visual Artist . Photo of Sandra Lozano.

Next Participations of Everson Fonseca:

  • 1st. Editing of OVO PARADE – Shopping Eldorado-SP between 2 and 22 April.
  • 2º Salão de Outono of Latin America – Galeria Marta TrabaMemorial of Latin America – São Paulo-SP, between 08 May and 01 of June 2014.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fonseca.everson

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Photos: Everson Fonseca and Sandra Lozano.

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São Paulo – Brasil
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E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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