Virtual Bookshelf brings together over 3000 people throughout the day to celebrate World Book Day


Company made a treasure hunt on Praça Mauá and presented readers with securities purchased in your network of booksellers, In addition to copies with dedications donated by personalities

Even with the threat of rain, the Praça Mauá was taken by readers last Sunday (23). The audience was in search of hidden keys for Virtual Bookshelf, that could be exchanged for books in a booth mounted in front of the Art Museum of the river-SEA. The activity happened between 10:00 and 5:00 pm and celebrated World Book day.

“The joy of children to find keys throughout the region and replace them with a special book was one of the highlights of the event. The literary selection ' strong women ' attracted the interest of men and women who formed line to participate in the quiz and ensure your book. Other activities that moved the booth were the children's paintings and mural of messages ", celebrated the marketing manager, Erica Cardenas.


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The event was a way found by the Virtual Shelf to celebrate the company's pillars to promote reading, reuse and perpetuation of the small seller. The 500 books that were part of the action were purchased from book stores and booksellers portal network, as the Academy of knowledge, Bookstore Sea stories and Tallow Lima Barreto. Some titles were also donated by staff, readers and supporters of the action. Personalities, like Fernanda Gentil, Alex Escobar, Fernanda Venturini, Ebby Ciribeli and Cris Niklas also supported the campaign by sending copies with dedications.

Since it was created, Eleven years, the greatest merit of the Virtual Shelf is to provide access to the immense wealth of the literary fat Brazilians, that goes way beyond rare books and out of print, Since it covers all types of books (including titles and new car sales) purchased at the ends of stock publishers. "This diversity, having the highest ' long tail ' of the world in variety of Portuguese language titles, I believe that the bookcase can influence people to go beyond the obvious of best-selling books, towards a reading with far greater diversity than the conventional bookstores can provide ", summarized Andrew Garcia, Remember that even in the technological age we live in, the physical book still is gaining a large advantage of virtual.

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