Experts participate in chat in Globe kiosk and take questions from the public about the Zika Virus


Schedule of the day 21 January, Thursday, at 18h, part of the sea of Cultures

Alexandre Chieppe. Foto: Mauricio Bazilio Divulgação SES.
Alexander Chaudhari. Photo: Mauricio Nash Disclosure SES.

The epidemic of Zika virus is currently one of the most frequent issues in the press and to the wheels between friends. Not only pregnant women – on account of cases of microcephaly related to disease-have questions about the virus transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. On 21 January, Thursday, at 18h, the public will have the chance to participate in a chat at the kiosk of the Globe, in Copacabana, and clarify questions about the subject in another edition of cultures – the broadcaster's project that addresses topics of interest to the society, in partnership with the Board of Social responsibility of the Globe. With mediation of journalist Flavio Fachel, participating in the meeting the OB-GYN Alexander Chaudhari and expert Denise Valle, initiator of the campaign "10 minutes against dengue".

Denise Valle. Foto: Divulgação.
Denise Valle. Photo: Disclosure.

The doctor Alexander Chaudhari worked for 16 years with public health and STD Aids program coordinator, the Department of health of Rio de Janeiro. He is currently Assistant Secretary of health surveillance of the State Department of Health, area responsible for the control of diseases of public interest. Researcher holder of the Molecular Biology Laboratory of Flavivirus of the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Denise Valle is the author of several studies and books that address the diseases caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.


* In case of rain the event may be cancelled

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Since its debut, in november of 2014, the sea of Cultures has received several guests to discuss current issues, that reflect the daily life of the river and the Grand River.

  • Jesse Walker (writer) and In Cyrus (actress, singer, composer and psychoanalyst) – "Literature in transit";
  • Binho Culture (writer and producer) and Jackson S (researcher) – "Literature in the peripheries";
  • Marcus Faustini (actor, Director and writer) and Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda (researcher and writer) – "Periphery is Center? The geographical reorganization of the city ";
  • Pedro Bial (journalist) and Aderaldo Luciano (musician and poet) – "The popular poetry: Verso or reverse?”;
  • Antonio Leal and Cavi Borges-"Short River – more than a debate, a stimulus for the production of short films ";
  • Marquinhos of Oswaldo Cruz (Samba) and Milton Cunha (Carnival) -"River of Samba – A wobbly chat";
  • Xico Sá, Elaine Marcelina and Julia Michaels-"the woman in contemporary culture";
  • Luciana Savaget, Luciana Sandroni and Anna Claudia Ramos-"children's and youth literature";
  • Jackson Antunes, Junior Perim and Karla Concá-"Macro-Cultural diffusion of circus arts";
  • Ana Botafogo, Michel Lamb and Silvia Soter"Classical dance and urban dance: a possible dialogue?”;
  • Marcos Caruso, Veríssimo Junior, Reinaldo Sant’ Ana and Carmen Mello"The theatre in different social contexts";
  • Dj Marlboro, Matthew and Mc Leonardo-"Funk, Identity and Territory ";
  • Cristina Aragon, Adriana Falcão, Luis Miranda and Aurelio Mesquita-"the Backcountry will turn Sea: the Northeast and its influences ";
  • Mara Luquet and Eduardo Moreira-"Shoo crisis: How to overcome the risks and seize the opportunities”.
Sea of Cultures –Zika Virus-what you need to know "
Date: 21 January, Thursday
Time: the 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Local: Globe kiosk
Free entrance


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