cultural spaces open to visitors during the year-end recess


During the year-end recess, some areas of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation will be open to visitors. From 26 to 30/12, work during regular hours the Municipal Museum of Art (Muma) and Casa Romário Martins. As for the Ukrainian and Polish Immigration memorials remain open during the entire period.

The remaining spaces will be closed, returning to normal activities from 02/01/2019.

Those in Curitiba can take to check out the attractions on display in cultural spaces open to visitors:


The Municipal Museum of Art (Muma) apresenta sample Barbera van den Tempel "Parallel universes” “Difference in If It is"Emerson Persona and Francis Rodrigues and"We”, digital art and photography exhibition held by the Association CriarUm. In addition to these exhibitions, The museum also houses the Panel "The communication"De Poty Lazzarotto and to"Sculpture in Concrete"Tomie Ohtake.

At Casa Romário Martins remains the exhibition "Black presence in Curitiba"Which provides an overview of the important participation of blacks in the formation of capital Paraná.

And still, the memorial Ukrainian and Polish immigration, the ethnic collections will be open to the public who visit the park and the Forest Be Pope.


Most spaces back to work from 02 January 2019. Other resume its activities only in February, check out:

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Home reading Augusto Stresser – Returns 07/01/2019
Theater Novels Curitibanas – Returns 01/02/2019

Creativity Center in Curitiba – returns in 04/02/2019
Cleon Theatre Jacques – Returns 04/02/2019
Circus City Ze Priguiça - returns 04/02
Cine Guarani – Returns 05/02/2019

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open spaces for visitation 26 to 30 th December 2018.

Municipal Museum of art (Muma)
Time: 10h to 7:00 pm
Local: Av. Argentina Republic, 3430, Cultural Gate

Entrance: free

Casa Romário Martins
Time: 9h to 12:00 and 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm (3the Friday) and 9 am to 14h (saturday and sunday)

Local: Wide Colonel Aeneas, 30, Largo da Ordem
Entrance: free

Open throughout the period, including 25/12 e 01º/01/2019

Ukrainian Memorial
Time: 10h to 6:00 pm

Local: Rua Dr. MBA of Ferrante, s/nº, Bear Park – St. John
Entrance: free

Memorial of Polish Immigration
Time: 9h to 6:00 pm

Local: Flag Euclid Street, s/nº, Grove John Paul II – Civic Center
Entrance: free

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