Writer Pedro Salomão is invited to launch digital platform


The #CulturaemCasa project created by the Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo and Instituto Amigos da Arte provides cultural content during quarantine

The Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo created the #CulturaemCasa campaign with the Friends of Art institute, with availability of complete concert materials, concertos, virtual visits to museums, Lecture, chatroom, books, movies, various shows and classes.

The platform launches today, 27 April, and will have the special participation of the writer from Rio de Janeiro Pedro Salomão, with the theme 'Present Value', a look at anxiety in difficult times ’’, where you will share your approach to anxiety (and also, theme of his third book).


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The objective is to stimulate virtual content of institutions, artistic bodies and state programs, during social distance in times of coronavirus, through expanding access and supply.

#CultureEmCasa: culturaemcasa.com.br/intensivao-culturaemcasaFind Pedro Salomão: (IG) @peterrose | www.pedrosalomao.com.br

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