“The fabulation, dream and delirium as the power of invention”
The BELIZARIO Gallery shows the collective "write other bodies – Create other Margins”, with Estêvão Parreiras, Laura Gorski, Marcelo Solá, Raquel Nava, Stella Margarita and Sara Has No Name + Juliana Franco, Raphael Abdullah, Victor Galvão, composed of 32 works that “present multiple challenges and frictions that aim to interrogate the place of the body”, defines the curator of the show Bianca Dias.
According to the curatorial concept for which he chose Bianca Dias, the various jobs, with different techniques multiple supports, “aim to investigate the body in a movement that goes from the visual and dream pulsation, passing through the dimension of animality and the feminine. The body will be thought beyond itself, occupying the surrounding space and interacting with other bodies and their extensions”.
the drawings of Estevão Parreiras, with exact strokes and structuring shapes, convey their way of communicating with the world, once for the artist, drawing is like writing. “Drawing is the way in which Estevão inhabits his own body and the world. In the universe of your drawings, the landscapes appear foreign and as emissaries from another world, paradoxically impregnated with an ambiguous reality”, says curator. Already in the traces of Laura Gorski, the body occupies the center of the work. “From different techniques with pigments, different textures and thicknesses, the artist includes in her work the transfiguration of the visible through the relationship with the earth and its fruits and echoes”, says Bianca.
The works of Marcelo Solá group fantastic architectures and animals that, through drawing and serigraphy, are applied in an endless system. Very unique animals and architectural forms shuffle and lead to timeless spaces. The work of Raquel Nava, composed of everyday objects and animal parts, dialogue with painting and unfolds in diverse experiences, signaling interest in corporeal and material issues. now for Stella Margarita, his painting “is anchored in an attempt to escape from the margins of representation, finding rhythm in full fall. The dimension of the event appears in the bowels of the unconscious and, therefore, fascinates, enchants and causes some perplexity”, explains the curator.
Closing the curatorial selection, an experimental collective between four artists – Juliana Franco, Raphael Abdullah, Sara has no name and Victor Galvão – create the series of photographs “Apnea”, where, in the series of dense and monochromatic works, it has a last imagery register with a subtle opening to ‘color’, yet subtle, of the same body captured in suspended motion.
“The dialogue that takes place in this exhibition takes place through vibration and contagion.. In a border area – a space as visible as it is invisible – the set of works forges a body that produces potential becomings.” Bianca Dias

Exhibition: “write other bodies – create other margins”
Artists: Estêvão Parreiras, Laura Gorski, Marcelo Solá, Raquel Nava Stella Margarita and Colectivo ‘Sara Has No Name, Juliana Franco, Raphael Abdullah, Victor Galvão.
Curation and Critical Text: Bianca Dias
Opening: 08 October, Saturday, from 14h to 18h
Period: from 10 October to 12 and November of 2022
Local: BELIZÁRIO Gallery R Dr. Virgilio de Carvalho Pinto, 491 -Pine trees
Phone: (11) 3816.2404
Timetables: from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 7 pm; Saturday from 11 at 15:00
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Number of works: 32 (approximately)
Techniques: drawing, painting, mixed media, photography
Dimensions: varied
Price: on request
WebSite: belizariogaleria.com.br
Instagram: @belizariogaleria
Facebook: @BelizarioGaleria
E-mail: contato@belizariogaleria.com.br
- The curator – Bianca Dias
Psychoanalyst, writer, essayist and art critic, works in the multidisciplinary territory of psychoanalysis, literature, philosophy, artistic theory and practice. Master in Contemporary Arts Studies at the Fluminense Federal University – UFF (2017). Specialist in Art History from Armando Alvares Penteado College – FAAP (2011). Graduated in Psychology from the Juiz de Fora Higher Education Center – CES (2002). Founded and coordinated the Research Center in Art and Psychoanalysis of the Figueiredo Ferraz Institute – IFF (Ribeirão Preto/SP 2012-2015). Participated in the Networks of Written Research of Experience at the State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ. Co coordinates the Cinema and Psychoanalysis Project Cine-Cult USP Ribeirão Preto, in partnership with the Lacanian Anxiety Research Center – CLIN-A.
- The gallery
The BELIZÁRIO Gallery, headquartered in the Pinheiros neighborhood of São Paulo, is the result of a partnership between Orlando Lemos, José Roberto Furtado and Luiz Gustavo Leite. Its proposal aims to present itself as an additional option for participation and visibility of the production of emerging and consolidated artists in the panorama of Brazilian contemporary art in the São Paulo cultural circuit. The gallery joins the movement that seeks to promote horizons that establish new ways to redirect and expand the art market, thinking about the different trajectories and artistic productions that make it up. Thus, aiming at the promotion of the intrinsic cultural diversity in contemporaneity, serves as a stage for new and established artists, national and foreign, in partnerships with curators who are also imbued with the same purpose. In BELIZÁRIO Gallery, we seek to serve a public that seeks the acquisition of artistic works and, also, the creation and promotion of new collections. Its collection consists of different themes and aesthetics, through the poetic universe of each artist. Its repertoire encompasses artwork from different languages, supports, techniques and media such as drawing, sculpture, photography, engraving, painting, objects, installation and others.