Erica Gropp Colen-"the contemporary look and colorful life" by Edmundo Chandra

Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

The artist Erica Gropp Colen, a native of Santos/SP, graduated by PUC/Campinas (1982), having presented works in art from 1980, including publications in newspapers.

Contemporary look of all the works depicted shows a lively vision, simple and colorful life.

However, mixed these concepts worth a reflection on the true values of human existence.


Elements such as fish, parasols and stylized foliage are constant figures in the works that represent the garden of Saints and the muretas of the channels.

To know more about this talented artist Santos.

Erica Gropp Colen's Artist.
Erica Gropp Colen's Artist.

Where did you born? And what is your academic training?

I am a native of Santos/SP. Graduated in fine arts from PUC-Campinas in 1982.

How and when you give your first contact with the Arts?

Since little Mommy account that I drew with a twig of the tree on the floor of Earth. Scribbled papers with colored crayons.

How did you find this gift?

A few points are important to me: The power of God that moves my creation from H.A.C. CAMARGO series in February 2013, optimism for life and the energies of the universe. It was surprising and exciting. I say that this is the work of God, for when you want something bad enough, the Universe works in your favor.

What are your main influences?

My work is playful and I follow my intuition.

What materials do you use in your works?

Acrylic paint with posca pens in hand and I'm currently developing collage in my canvases.

What is your creative process itself? What inspires you?

My city Saints. Being a coastal town love Beach, sun, colorful Suns guard, the blue sea and its abundance in the various types of fish, Santos Beach Gardens which are very well taken care of an intense green and in Guines Book. The Santos loves the beach and the garden and a beautiful visual for a walk, take a walk in the evening, many children playing in playgrounds, the elderly and young people doing your exercises outdoor gyms. In the channels we have kiosks with several lunches and snacks, coconut water get inspired in the muretas of the channels which are a symbol of our city, a square with a circle inside. So I do my walk and I'm photographing and observing each of these details. Do several drawings and so I'm creating… fish, Sunshades, stylized foliage in some work the wall channels. Do Compositions mixing the 3 elements always with vibrant colors.

This Is Me!

Visual Artist.
Visual Artist.

When you started effectively to produce or create your works?

I was asleep as artist for 30 years after the end of the College, married and went to work in other areas. In 05 October 2012, my birthday, my mother was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery in December at the Hospital BC. Camargo, in São Paulo. Throughout the treatment I followed and as IM worried I started drawing with Bic pen and paper, to pass the time. I wanted to give love and joy for mom so we talked a lot about our town and I was doodling on a pad of paper size A4 bond with simple pen hydrocolor material, color pencil and some collages I got to spend time as an escort. Fish, Suns guard, stylized foliage… I was going to talking with her causing her to remember our city actually, I wanted to get her attention and treatment was dreaming of the beach… o sol… because the environment of a Hospital for better be the comfort is cold. The environment itself is very stressful… but a wonderful team… that has given us so much love and respect… a place extremely clean… cleaning staff. Nurses… Medical… Wizards. They Rushed in vibrant colors!

Art 6Art is an intellectual production exquisite, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in art history, we see that many artists are derived from other, following technical and artistic movements through time, you own any model or influence of any artist? Who would be?

I graduated in fine arts from the Catholic University of Campinas (PUC) in 1982. At the time I joined the Mass Group, led by Professor Bernardo Expensive, in which we created works with the aim of promoting reflection around the work of art critics. At the time Bernardo did not see with good eyes the work of critics. Many of them weren't artists, but they could determine what would be exposed or not in the lounges and a recognition that many times the selection criteria was to serve own interests. It has shaped a massification process of art, Hence the name of the Group. MASS (Campinas). So, to criticize this mechanism we set up the Mass Group, in which all created "the same work". Of course I was not the same, each gave their contribution, But tonight for the same work, but signed by different names. This led to a confusion in critics and also initial disapproval. But gradually they realized what was the logic that, We wanted to question something crucial: "What is art"? Love the brushstrokes and vibrant colors of Vincent Van Gogh, The vibrant colors and the joy of the screens with their rounded shapes of the late artist Gustavo Rosa, Dalton of Lucca workshop in Brazil for a short time, another look that made a big difference in my life, working with the right side of the brain, I admire the early career path and its difficulties and persisting in going after a dream like Romero Brito despite their work being repeated and multiple objects see new proposals not only play, I may be mistaken… I admire the work of Visual artist Luiz Cavalli with his beautiful bicycles in vibrant colors and his incredible brushstrokes.

Art 1What does art mean to you? If you were to summarize in a few words the meaning of Arts in your life…

Art is the look of the moment. Is the technique and the opportunity to express themselves.

What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perceptions about the world? (Whether it is through painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography… or uses several techniques in order to make a mix of different art forms).

Depends on my current time. I've worked with various materials; drawing, ceramics, photography, sculpture in College, dry pastel, oil paint.

Art 8Every artist has his mentor, that person whom you mirrored that encouraged and inspired you to follow this career you, going ahead and taking your dreams the other expression levels, who this person is and how it introduced you in the art world?

In fact, During my career as an artist I had several teachers who were molding me along the way… but my coach Fabio Luiz Salgado of the Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto made all the difference in my life. In 2011, I wanted to return to the fine arts, but I was a little lost, I wasn't sure how to do this. I then went to do a course in writing projects at the Pinacoteca Benedito Calixto, in Santos. There I met the coaching Lemuel salty and I did the course with the initial goal to get reunited with creativity. In January 2013 new Coaching course for artists, with Fabio Luiz Salgado. I wanted to set up my first solo exhibition, but I had no idea what theme, technique and without any inspiration or creativity. Wanted to do the exhibition, but I didn't know how to do and Fabio was slowly helping me organize this dream within me from my experience with mom in the hospital and the drawings that emerged from there.

My current curator: Leda Maria Prado also made all the difference in my career as an artist to participate in the Cool project, which brought together 95 artists from all over the world with the challenge of each create on canvas, hexagon shaped with 60 cm on each side. Are used 7 hexagons to form a circle (ball), enabling the common themes and of various artists/countries.

Art 3Initially, the project would be presented in Piracicaba, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, but he had a very positive impact created a book launch at the 23rd International Book Biennial in São Paulo. Each new exhibition of the project Show the ball a challenge is released to artists. I'm from the beginning of the project and have seen how I have matured over these 2 years. The look of the Leda to my work and the incentive is my spring to continue and not look the difficulties.

From this project we participate in Important Exhibitions: Brasil, Miami, NY, Berlin and now in October Dallas Texas.

You have another activity beyond art? You of classes, lectures etc.?

I give lectures in schools about my work when you requested. As the school is a dream future when I have mounted my Studio because Space is required.

Its major national and international exhibitions and their awards?

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2013 – Curadoria: Heloisa Aquino de Azevedo

  • 23/11 to 03/12 -Exhibition in celebration of the international year of Germany + Brazil- 2013/2014 "Where ideas are connecting"-look art gallery – Wesel - Bonita
  • 21/09 -Expositon "Brésil-France of kind of connexion" pour la lutte contre le cancer – Carrocel you Louvre – Paris-France
  • Junho/julho - Circuito eclectic – Spoleto - Itália
  • Mark as AUTVIS

Art 4

2014 – Curated By: Leda Maria Prado

  • 08/01/2014 -MIDIA – Site Turismo em Santos
  • February – Sendo Representada pela Ward wet Gallery em NY
  • 01/03 to 30/03/2014 -Ward wet Gallery Apresents women in art 2014 -NY
  • 10 to 30/04/2014- Ward wet Gallery Apresents international spring group show - NY
  • 10/06 to 30/08/2014 -SUMMER SALON 2014 -Ward wet Gallery - NY
  • 06 to 27/06 /2014 – Cool project (95 Artistas plásticos Internacionais) em Piracicaba-local: Martha Watts Cultural Center Street Rangel Pestana, 762 – Center, Piracicaba / SP. (Curator Leda Maria Prado)
  • 11/06 to 13/07/2014- Cool project (95 international artists) in Rio de Janeiro-Location: Federal Justice Cultural Center – Av. Rio Branco 241 - Center, Rio de Janeiro / RJ. (Curator Leda Maria Prado).
  • 14/06 to 14/07/2014 -Project cool (95 international artists) -The Library SP (Curator Leda Maria Prado)
  • 24/08 8 book launch the ball Show 2014 at the 23rd International Book Biennial SP (95 international artists).
  • MEDIA-interview with Nicol Program during the exhibition at Kartel Santos-October = uVXZIDv4o2I
  • 17/11/2014 – Blog Interview STUDIO REIS-PERSONA
  • 03 to 07 th December 2014 SHOW DE BOLA-Spectrum Miami 2014. (trusteeship: Leda Maria Prado)

Art 5

2015 – Curated By: Leda Maria Prado

  • 23 to 26 April 2015 SHOW DE BOLA-Artexpo 2015 NEW YORK-Pier-Curatorship Leda Maria Prado.
  • 18 April Story on blog Juice Santos
  • 30 April to 03 May 2015 SHOW DE BOLA-BAGL-Berlin ArtGoes Live-Curatorship Leda Maria Prado.
  • 01 to 31 th July 2015- Solo exhibition "Retrospective" at the Mall Parque Balneário-Santos/SP.
  • 10/07 the 8/2/2015-I SHOWS INSTITUTE CULTURAL EXODUS-Jawed Gallery Ma-Centro Cultural Raul Leoni-PETROPOLIS-RJ. Curated By: Tania Leal.
  • 18 The 31 th July 2015- Group Exhibition IN ART In CLAVES DE SOL – Music Breno Ruiz (piano).Vernissage day 18/07 at 11 a. m. Casa de Portugal – SP/SP. Curated By: Ângela Oliveira.


In may 2013 I received the Honorable Motion by the municipality of Bertioga. By a unanimous vote of the City Council. I was very happy with the recognition of my work. In college days, in 1981, received gold medal by the Contemporary Art Salon of Sorocaba in category drawing and Prize III SUCEA PUC Campinas. When Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope Leo III 1982, I was in 1st place in the competition for the trophy III SUCEA of PUC Campinas and won honorable mention in the 1st Hall of conceptual Photo PUC Campinas.

Art 2

Your plans for the future.

My future plans are close to materialize.

My atelier in 2015.

Check out the interview of artist Nicol program during the exhibition at Kartel Santos – October/2014:








São Paulo – Brasil
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