Entrepreneur Ensures Paralympics 2020, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

The world event will be held through art, with the exhibition “Avant Première da Arte Inclusiva - Paralimpíadas.”

The controversial title and the challenging mission is another of the entrepreneur's projects Armando Fantini, da Refresh Brazil, company of intelligent solutions for Social Inclusion with Accessibility.

The objective is to honor the Paralympic athletes due to the cancellation of the event by the pandemic.


Multi-tasking business activist, creates and develops products for people with disabilities and those with reduced mobility and, more recently, ventures body and soul into the fine arts, idealizing and launching, pioneering, to Inclusive Art no Brazil, with the collaboration of the friend, business partner, poet and artist Edmundo Cavalcanti, da Raphael Art Gallery Virtual.

The participation is free, no age limit, for artists or not, who will be able to send their works in the forms of “re-reading” of one of the 23 simbologias from competiçao, or all, separate, through painting, drawing, sculpture, digital art, woodcut or any other form of art, since, at the end of the work it symbolizes and does not lose the original features of the Paralympic sport, being easily identified.

The deadline of sending the works, in photography, by email, will be no day 23 th November of 2020.

The dissemination of works will be with virtual exhibition, through social media from the day 3 of december, International Day of People with Disabilities.

Contact with organizer, access to general regulations and submission of works:

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Armando Fantini 55 (13) 974055008 or armandofantini@refreshbrazil.com

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Note: The originals will remain with the authors and cannot be sold by the organizer.




São Paulo – Brasil
Facebook Profile | Facebook Fan Page
Twitter | Instagram | Raphael Art Gallery
Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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