Notice selects project for the production of Rancho Block of Flowers


The Curitiba Cultural Foundation opened public call notice for selection block production projects Rancho Flores, which will integrate the attractions of the grid Carnival 2019. Traditional Carnival group Curitiba, Rancho Flores is made up of the elderly participants of the social programs of Curitiba.

Interested artistic producers can make the registration to the 17h of the day 12 th November of 2018. The documentation and the proposal will be received in the general protocol of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation (Engineers Street Rebolledo No. 1732), from Monday to Friday, the 9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

The notice is available on this link:



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For the artistic design of the parade of Rancho Flores, The notice provides a total of R $ 50 thousand, that should be employed in the making of costumes, props and costumes 300 Members, and the implementation of organizational activities and performance at street parade. Also included should be the creation of the music and lyrics Ranch march that will lead to presentation.

The production should be based on the theme "Helena Kolody" and the selected producer must also be responsible for hiring musicians, recording and playback of CDs that will be used in the tests in the Regional and prom Rancho Flores.

Notice of Public Calling - Rancho Flores 2019
Registration open for 01 to 12 November
Notice available at

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