edition celebrates 25 year history of the artist Valeria Costa Pinto


Book brings together research on the artist folds and creases in different formats and media

renowned visual artist, with important exhibitions curriculum in Brazil and abroad, Rio's Valeria Costa Pinto meets in book 25 years of his career in the Brazilian contemporary art. With limited run, translation and luxury finish, Commemorative Art Edition brings together the exciting work of the artist based on flexible sculptures in the most different media - Paper, fabric, photographs, Blinds -, as well as extensive work in video. An unpublished text Luiza Interlenghi runs through the artistic work of Valeria, from 1991 until 2016. Texts of Brazilian critics renowned dive at each stage of his career. The book launch will take place on 18 of december, Bookshop Argument, in Rio de Janeiro, with the presence of the artist.

With 244 color pages, the publication focuses on the relentless and thorough research on Valeria folds, creases and its consequences on different media and media, considering concepts of continuity, movement, time and simultaneity. Besides Luiza Interlenghi, which also accounts for the book's organization, sign the critical texts: Paulo Sergio Duarte, Adolfo Montejo Navas, Mauricio Lissovsky, Marcia Mello, Mase Lemos and Denise Carvalho. The book brings, yet, a short interview with Paul Herkenfoff and an unpublished poetry Tunga. The publication, with the editorial coordination Nelson Ricardo Martins, Label Phase has the seal 10 - Contemporary Action.


Since his first solo show in 1991, na Galeria Millan (SP), Valeria Costa Pinto exhibited in institutions such as House France Brazil, Brazilian American Cultural Institute, Washington (USA), Debret gallery, Paris (France), Culturgest, Lisboa (Portugal), Cultural Center of Light (RJ), Paço Imperial (RJ), Cultural Box (Brasilia), as well as several art galleries. It was the first winner of Icatu Art Award and Honor Award of Merit Art and Heritage, Paço Imperial. Currently, It is represented in Rio de Janeiro by Gaby Gallery Indio da Costa and Contemporary Art, in São Paulo, the Art Gallery Formatto.


Degree in design and a postgraduate degree in History of Art and Architecture in Brazil, Valeria has been working with art from 1983. His artistic work moves between sculpture, the object, the photography, video and design, mixing the various means. In1991 He held his first solo exhibition at Galeria Millan, SP, and, in 1993, at the Cultural Center, SP. In The River, individually exhibited at the Foundation House France Brazil, in 1994, and, the following year, in the Palace of Arts, BH, and, no Brazilian American Cultural Institute, Washington, USA. In 1996 He won first Icatu Art Award, going to live in Paris. He exhibited at the Debret Gallery, Paris, FR, and Culturgest, Lisboa, EN. Held numerous exhibitions in Rio and São Paulo, as the gallery Candido Mendes, Galeria Silvia Cintra, Gallery Marcia Barrozo do Amaral, Time gallery, RJ, and Galeria Rosa Barbosa, SP, and cultural institutions such as the Cultural Center of Light, RJ, Paço Imperial, RJ, and Caixa Cultural, Brasilia. He participated in numerous group exhibitions, as at the Cultural Center of the Federal Court, RJ, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, SP, among others. In 2014 It was one of the winners of the Honor Award of Merit Art and Heritage, performing display at the Imperial Palace, RJ. Currently, It is represented in Rio de Janeiro by Gaby Gallery Indio da Costa and Contemporary Art, in São Paulo, the Art Gallery Formatto.

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The book Valeria Costa Pinto discusses his artistic career in 25 years of your career, since 1991 until 2016. It brings together an unprecedented text Luiza Interlenghi addressing all the cited period, and a collection of period texts performed by several authors during its journey: Paulo Sergio Duarte, Adolfo Montejo Navas, Mauricio Lissovsky, Marcia Mello, Masé Lemos, Denise Carvalho, interview with Paul Herkenfoff and an unpublished poetry Tunga. With limited run of 230 copies, publication has the seal Label Phase 10 - Contemporary Action.


Book: Valeria Costa Pinto
Texts: Routes of fold – Luiza Interlenghi and collection of period texts from various authors
editorial organization: Luiza Interlenghi
editorial coordination: Nelson Ricardo Martins
Tradução:Alexandra Joy Forman, Ben Kohn
Publisher Phase 10 - Contemporary Action
Drawing 230 copies
Price: R$ 120
Number of pages: 244
Year: 2018

Book Launch Art Valeria Costa Pinto
Day: 18 of december (Tuesday)
Time: 19h
Local: Library Argument
End.: Dias Ferreira Street, 417, Leblon, Rio de Janeiro
Tel.: (21) 2239-5294
Free Entry

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