D'Angelos Auction, in Peru

The goods were offered for sale on the Internet. The list includes letters and certificates from the 19th century, plus an 18th century collection book.


The Embassy of Peru in Brazil issued a warning about the theft of cultural goods belonging to that country. According to the document, the following items were stolen and put up for sale on the internet:

I – personal letter, of the year 1829. The document refers to the Fundo Real Renta Correos de Lima, Miscellaneous Section, and Miscellaneous Donations and Acquisitions Fund, belonging to the General Archive of the Nation, located no district, province and department of Lima.

II – Postal certificate from the General Administration of Post Office of Lima and Pasco, of the year 1867, referring to the Real Renta de Correos Fund. Belongs to the General Archive of the Nation, Post Office, located no district, province and department of Lima.


III – Billing book and data of the General Directorate of Temporalities, 18TH century, related to the collection of the Real Junta de Temporalidades. Belongs to the General Archive of the Nation, post office, located no district, province and department of Lima.

IV – Mortgage contract testimony, years 1880-1181, referring to the Archive of the Superior Court of Justice – Republican Archive. Belongs to the General Archive of the Nation, located no district, province and department of Lima.

V – Letter addressed to Juan Toribio Oyarzabal, founder of Callana of Pasco, in the year 1827. The document refers to the collection of the Royal Treasury, section Cajas Reales de Pasco (Colonial Archive). Belongs to the General Archive of the Nation, Post Office, located no district, province and department of Lima.

IV – Administrative Registration corresponding to the Administration of the Post Office of Ica, year of 1837. It refers to the Real Renta de Correos fund, section Correo Ica. Belongs to the General Archive of the Nation, post office, located no district, province and department of Lima.

International alert for stolen cultural goods

Any information must be communicated to Iphan, by emails cnart@iphan.gov.br, fiscalizacao@iphan.gov.br or depam@iphan.gov.br, or by phone 61 2024 6355 or 6352, or directly to that country, in the Recovery Directorate of the General Directorate for the Defense of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of Peru.

Safe purchase of art objects, antiques and documents

Dealers and the general public should be aware of the provenance of the pieces they intend to purchase. Without proper care inadvertently are acquired stolen parts or stolen.

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To contribute in combating this illegal market there are simple preventive actions, such as checking the origin and, in case of doubts or any suspicion, consulting the Iphan, the Brazilian Institute of Museums (IBRAM) and their databases available on their websites – the Database of Sought Goods/BCP and the Registry of Disappeared Musealized Assets/CBMD.

Such care can avoid the involvement of the buyer or dealer in the Brazilian Cultural Heritage fencing of stolen crime, stolen or obtained by international trafficking in works of art - conduct described in Articles 155 of the Penal Code and 180 of Decree-Law no. 2.848, from 7 th December 1940 (dealing with the reception of stolen goods), and Art. 62, da Lei nº 9.605, from 12 February 1998 (which deals with destruction and/or deterioration of cultural property).


All art dealers and antiques, including auctioneers, must register with the National Register of Antiquities and Works of Art Dealers (CNART). The Registration protects the dealer inadvertently be involved in receiving stolen crimes and stolen and money laundering by means of works of art.

More info

National Register of Antiques Dealers and Works of Art cnart@iphan.gov.br.

Source: IPHAN Communications Advisory.

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