Dialogue of Giants on the date of the 30th anniversary of Burle Marx’s death


Thirty large sculptures by Amilcar de Castro
arrive at Jardim Burle Marx, in the Monumental Axis of Brasília,
on 4 of June. Works that highlight the importance of art
and nature in urban life will remain in place for two years

The confluence of the aesthetic harmony of two of the most celebrated names in Brazilian art of the 20th century promotes the meeting of the poetics of the landscaper and the sculptor. This is the project AMILCAR DE CASTRO IN THE BURLE MARX JARDIM, an initiative of the Institute for Research and Promotion of Art and Culture (IPAC) in partnership with Banco de Brasília (BRB), who provided the space for the installation of the sculptures.


The interaction of Amilcar de Castro's works with the landscape, the architecture and urbanism of Brasília, in the gardens of the creator of modern landscaping – in a public space –, represents a landmark in the country's capital. The great master's sculptures can be seen in squares and parks around the world, but always lonely, or in dialogue with other authors. The set in the center of Brasília will be an unprecedented experience that the public will be able to enjoy during 24 months.

Amilcar de Castro – who said “I make sculptures to participate in public space” - And Burle Marx they crossed paths in several projects and shared a deep aesthetic affinity, especially in the search for new forms of expression, beyond figurative representation. The nature, for both, was a constant source of inspiration, as well as the fact that they conceived their works thinking about the space in which they would be inserted, creating dynamic relationships between sculpture, architecture and landscape.

Roberto Burle Marx, Considered by many the creator of modern landscaping, was a partner of Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer since the first half of the century 20. By 2022, in the Brasilia Pilot Plan, there were nine public gardens created by him (all listed as historical and artistic heritage of the DF); in September last year the tenth was inaugurated – Burle Marx's Garden. Sketched by the landscaper in 1975, the project was carried out by the Burle Marx office, junto com Haruyoshi Ono, landscape, architect and disciple of Burle Marx, and his daughter Isabela Ono. Now, the garden receives, also, to art by Amílcar de Castro.

Amilcar's sculptures are works belonging to a thought that constitutes one of the best-known Brazilian artistic movements in the world: the neoconcretismo – as well as the modernist architecture of the new city. And this encounter between Brasília and Brazilian constructive works of art gave rise to many debates, in addition to several articles and essays.

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the project’s curatorial proposal, signed by Marilia Panitz, this set of works was transported to Brasília in. – this set of works was transported to Brasília in; this set of works was transported to Brasília in. this set of works was transported to Brasília in, Interestingly, this set of works was transported to Brasília in – highlights the curator.

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AMILCAR DE CASTRO IN THE BURLE MARX GARDEN is IPAC's second project with the sculptor's works: in 2022, on the occasion of the centenary of Amilcar, opened “Garden of Amilcar de Castro: neoconcrete under the sky of Brasilia”. Daiana Castilho Dias, president of the institution, highlights that displaying works of art in public spaces is fundamental not only for the aesthetics it adds to the environment, but also for the vital role it plays in promoting culture and artistic appreciation in society.

By placing works of art in places accessible to everyone, we are democratizing access to art, enabling people from different backgrounds and contexts to have contact with human creative expression. In addition, the meeting of Amilcar de Castro and Burle Marx will transform the Monumental Axis into a more vibrant place, inspiring and inclusive, stimulating dialogue, reflection and social interaction among citizens in Brasília – concludes Daiana.


Monumental Axis – Brasília
From 4 of June

Na opening, day 4 of June, 3 free concerts:
17h30 – Goodtime and Carol Dias
18h30 – Jump Touch
19h30 – Teresa Lopes


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