On the day that the Master Gonzagão would complete 104 years, Saturday, day 13, Tiradentes Square will be transformed into a great party forrozeiros. It is the National Day of Forró. Over 15 attractions take turns on stage in a real “Terreirada”, how to call the forrós performed in Northeastern homes. The party is free and will until dawn, without gaps.

With programming mounted focusing on enhancement of traditional forró, the National Forro Day event reaches its 6th edition carrying a large gathering of forrozeiros from 15h on Saturday, 13, until 1pm Sunday, 14. In programming, more than 15 attractions between trios, bands, singers and DJs, take turns on stage set in Tiradentes Square, in downtown Rio, in free performances.
Among the featured attractions to Zé Calixto and Trio Juazeiro, over both 50 year career. Zé Calixto, Paraiba living in Rio de Janeiro is the largest accordion player eight currently low in activity. Other attractions take turns on stage, as Chico Salles, Northeast accent group, the great master of Fidelis Accordion, the Northeast Trio, and the singer Geraldo Junior with Terreirada Cearense, with work inspired by the popular culture of the Cariri, interior of Ceará. The program also has established and groups of forró pé-de-serra circuit: Mauricio Paraxaxar, Mala and Cuia, Rapacuia Trio, Sapoti, Fuse Trio, Foot Sierra Trio and Mariana Melo. In the groups, DJs interleave the shows with DJing classic forró.
The date is a tribute to the birthday of Gonzaga, and was established by Federal Law, in 2005. Sponsored by the City Hall through the Municipal Department of Culture, support of artists forró's foot and saw forrozeiros, and performing the Aroeira Cultural Management and the Restless Entertainment, Party responsible for Forrozada, the event aims to value the traditional forró as genuinely Brazilian music, representing not only the Northeast but throughout Brazil, including internationally.
Promotional video from edition of 2011:
National Forro Day
Date: Saturday, 13 of december, from 15h
Local: Tiradentes Square – RJ
Free entrance
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Parental guidance: Free
Sponsorship: Municipality of Rio de Janeiro
Realization: Mastic Cultural Management and Restless Entertainment
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Check out the map how to get there:
[googlemap src=”” width =”620″ height =”330″ align=”aligncenter” ]
National Forro Day takes several attractions to Tiradentes Square for free by Carolina Oliveira | Website Obras de Arte http://t.co/3zv2bgWTRl
National Forro Day takes several attractions to Tiradentes Square for free by Carolina Oliveira | Website Obras de Arte http://t.co/vPxxuFgx92
National Forro Day takes several attractions to Tiradentes Square for free by Carolina Oliveira | Website Obras de Arte http://t.co/e0UTcQHay1