Children's day at sea


10, 11 and 12 October

Children's day at sea. Photo: Disclosure.
Children's day at sea. Photo: Disclosure.

The Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the Institute's management Odeon, will celebrate the children's day with a schedule developed by the educational team of the School Look especially for small visitors. Are circus workshops, dance, Toy and drawing, In addition to playful gallery talks, that take place throughout the weekend and also on holiday, When the Museum opens its doors exceptionally on a Monday.

All activities carried out outside the exhibition hall will be free. In the days 10 and 11, the visit to the exhibition space will have the regular price – $ 8 The R $ 4 (half price) -already in 12 October the show will also be free. Are currently set at sea Kurt Klagsbrunn, a humanist photographer in Rio (1940-1960), Evandro Teixeira: The Constitution of the world, News-angles 90 years of Photojournalism in the world, Rossini Perez, between the Hill and the Africa health, Tarsila and Modern Women in Rio and 18th Century River, When the river turned capital.

Saturday (10)

From 10:00 to 5:00 pm I Piloti:
Drawing station. Calls for a collective relationship with art through games, jokes, poetry and experiment with different materials, props and themes of art and visual culture.

At 10:00 I Piloti: Musical procession bunch of Clown.

At 11:30 I look at school I 90 slots (I) distribution of passwords an hour before: Bunch of Clown workshop.

At 1:30 pm I Piloti: Musical procession bunch of Clown.

At 3:00 pm I Piloti (I) 25 slots (I) distribution of passwords an hour before: The space Child
Residence of the Sound Affects project (RJ) – The workshop created by Flavia Costa and Negalê Jones mixes music and movement, building with children entertainment experience through the relationship body/art/science. From 5 to 12 years.

At 3:00 pm I look I School 90 slots (I) distribution of passwords an hour before: Bunch of Clown workshop.

At 4:30 pm I Piloti: Musical procession bunch of Clown.

Sunday (11)

From 10:00 to 6:00 pm I Piloti:
I love Baile Funk for children. Children's dance with DJ Grandmaster Raphael.

From 10:00 to 6:00 pm I Piloti: Barbers cut box.

From 10:00 to 1:00 pm I look I School 50 vacancies (being 25 pairs formed by children and their parents or guardians) (I) distribution of passwords an hour before: Animatrolls Workshop, Animatronics for parents and children, with Paloma Oliveira and Matthew Knelsen. Construction of cartoon drawing to the final circuit.

At 11:00 I Piloti I: Dance Workshop with the emperors of dance. For all ages, but dedicated to small.

At 1:00 pm I Piloti I: Dance Workshop with Pit (The Bold). For all ages, but dedicated to small.

The 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm I look I School 25 slots I Distribution of passwords an hour before: Workshop on Internet of things, with Negalê Jones. An electronic paper object will be connected to a microcontroller and will become an interface, enabling what we call physical computing.

The 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm I look I School 25 slots I Distribution of passwords an hour before: Robot lab workshop for children, in partnership with SESI Digital culture. The children will learn how to build a robot to explore your creativity, using the principles of do it yourself.

At 2:00 pm I Exhibition Pavilion: Gallery Talk – The wire that carves. Routes in the exhibition Tarsila and modern women, thinking about the bodies and their offsets as possibilities of creating sculptures in space.

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At 2:00 pm I Exhibition Pavilion: Educational Activity – Write Memories. From the exhibition Rossini Perez, between the Hill and the Africa health, visitors will be invited to record your memories using the technique of engraving.

At 3:00 pm I Piloti: Dance Workshop with the sensational group of Paget. For all ages, but dedicated to small.

Monday (12)

From 10:00 to 5:00 pm I Piloti:
Drawing station. Calls for a collective relationship with art through games, jokes, poetry and experiment with different materials, props and themes of art and visual culture.

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At 10:30 I Praça Mauá: Want TC. Come experience and explore the chromatic interactions through different planes and lines. Intention and elastic fabrics serve as metaphor for the visual tension found in the works and exhibitions.

At 2:00 pm I Praça Mauá: Want TC. Come experience and explore the chromatic interactions through different planes and lines. Intention and elastic fabrics serve as metaphor for the visual tension found in the works and exhibitions.

The 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm I look at school I 25 slots I Distribution of passwords an hour before: Workshop Planned Obsolescence. Creating toys and sculptures using scrap digital components.

The Museu de Arte do Rio

The sea is a space dedicated to art and education. Installed in Praca Maua, occupies two adjacent buildings: an older, lying and eclectic style, which houses eight galleries of the; another younger, Modernist, Look where the school's work. The architectural design unites the two buildings with a fluid concrete cover, which refers to a wave - a trademark of the museum -, and a ramp, where visitors come to the exhibition spaces.

O MAR, an initiative of the City Government in partnership with the Roberto Marinho Foundation, have activities that involve collecting, registration, search, preservation and return of cultural property to the community. The Museum was born with a school-the School of Look-, whose proposal is innovative museological: foster the development of an educational program of reference for actions in Brazil and abroad, combining art and education from the curatorial program that guides the institution.

The museum has the Globe Group as maintainer, sponsored by BG Brazil, In addition to Souza Cruz, Dow and Brookfield. It also sponsored the Braskem by means of the law of incentive to the culture of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with the support of the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and the Ministry of culture and the Federal Government of Brazil through the Federal law of incentive to culture. The management is left to the Odeon Institute.

Service MAR - Museu de Arte do Rio

Days 10 and 11 October (saturday and sunday): R$ 8 The R $ 4 (half price) - People with up 21 years, private school students, university, disabled people and public servants of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Payment by cash or card (Visa or Mastercard).

Day 12 October (Monday): Free.

Policy free: Pay no entry-on presentation of evidentiary documentation – students from public (teaching elementary and middle), children up to five years or people from 60, public school teachers, employees of museums, groups in situations of social vulnerability educational visit, Neighbors of the sea and tourist guides. Tuesdays admission is free to the general public. On Sunday admission is free for holders of the passport of Museums in Rio that have not yet the stamp of the sea. On the last Sunday of the month, the Museum has free entry to all through the project Sunday at sea.

For more info, contact by phone (55 21) 3031-2741 or visit

Address: Praca Maua, 5 - Center. Check out how to get:
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