Highlights of the CCBB Educativo program in February 2021!


Ministry of Tourism and Banco do Brasil present

BB DTVM presents and sponsors

In February the CCBB Educativo offers free activities, educational activities with artistic workshops, storytelling, games and meetings with music, dance and theatre. To participate it is necessary to make a previous appointment through the website www.ccbbeducativo.com or APP Eventim.


In the activities grid are highlights: the artistic workshops of the Places of Creation aimed at children and their families, every Saturday from 15 hours; the mediated visits to the exhibitions running at CCBB-Rio; the Commemorative Date - Radio Day and the Ancestral Multiple – “Boi Marinho” conducted by the actor and dancer Helder Vasconcelos, with great joy and games for the home audience to play Carnival.

The face-to-face and virtual programming of CCBB Educativo - Art and Education in February brings educational and cultural activities for all ages and all audiences! Planned by the team of educators from JA.CA - Center for Art and Technology, civil society organization based in Belo Horizonte and Nova Lima (MG), the program aims to strengthen relations with the school community, educators, disabled people, non-governmental organizations, artists, social movements, professionals from the fields of art and culture and families.

In dialogue with the exhibitions on display at CCBB-Rio, the educative team offers daily mediated and mediated visits in Libras, to talk to the public about each project, to share, exchange glances and readings about the history of each artist.

Visits mediated to the exhibition “Chiharu Shiota: Life lines [Lifelines]”, with 70 japanese artist works, that make up the retrospective exhibition “Lines of Life“, from the beginning of his artistic production to the present day are: Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 4:00 pm, and Thursdays and Fridays, at 12:00 (Saturday's visit, at 4pm is accessible in pounds). Mediated visits can be scheduled until the day 19 April.

For the show “Alphonse Mucha: the legacy of Art Nouveau ”, which offers the public the possibility to explore and discover the vast collection with 100 works by the Czech painter provided by the Mucha Foundation, visits are: Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays, at 12:00, Thursdays and Fridays, at 16h (Thursday's visit, at 16h is accessible in Libras).

It is the largest collection of the artist assembled and presented for the first time in Brazil, in season until 28 February.

Mediated visits equity are on Wednesdays, to 12 hours and Sundays, at 4:00 pm. The visit “CCBB and the City: Banco do Brasil Cultural Center and the city of Rio de Janeiro ”presents the public with a route that will allow them to learn about the history of CCBB Rio de Janeiro, exploring aspects of its architecture, in dialogue with its territory and the elements that integrate its spaces and that constitute an important heritage of arts and culture in the country. Every Wednesday, at 12 noon and the meeting point is at the ticket office.

The BB Museum Heritage visits: Routes in Brazilian history are on Sundays, at 4 pm and go through the long-term exhibitions of the Banco do Brasil Museum, ‘Gallery of Values’ and ‘Banco do Brasil and its History’, approaching the national trajectory based on the Bank's memory and the numismatic collection, highlighting personalities and objects from its rich collection. The meeting point is in the lobby on the 4th floor.

Visits accessible in Libras are on Thursdays and Saturdays, at 4:00 pm. On Tuesdays the CCBB is closed for visitation.

At this time, in which special visit and stay protocols are necessary for the safety of all of us against COVID 19, face-to-face activities have a reduced number of participants and rules for scheduling and participating in accordance with local government guidelines. On the other hand, digital programming brings a new scope, enabling access by audiences from all over the national territory.

Full schedule available on the website: www.ccbbeducativo.com

In addition to mediated and mediated visits in Libras, the educative program also offers on its portal (www.ccbbeducativo.com), a vast monthly schedule with different themes. Check the February schedule and participate!

The workshops Place of creation offer experiences for all audiences with artistic activities of creation and cultural mediation, that stimulate contact and dialogue with the arts and current topics. Every Saturday, the 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm, for up 12 people, by prior appointment through the EVENTIM platform. The indicative classification is Free and suitable for people over 3 years. For this activity, only one ticket is issued per CPF; the representative may be accompanied by up to 03 people in your family, with the same ticket.

Day 06 February - Story Workshop with mediated reading meetings of illustrated books, followed by the creation of invention narratives with images and texts gathered in artisanal publications.

Day 13 February - Knowledge Workshop – Narrative production meetings based on the participants' cultural imagery, promoting a dialogue between local cultures and exhibitions.

Day 20 February - Art Games – Meetings focused on creation in arts, exploring play and creative games that involve visual arts strategies, theater, music, bodily practices and writing.

Day 27 February - Arts Workshop, with material experimentation exercises, sounds and movements in artistic processes aimed at creating images.

On Saturday, day 13 February, to 10 hours, to Commemorative Date - Radio Day going to offer the public above 5 years, a sound creation workshop produced by voices and music that will stay in the minds and hearts. Tune in to this frequency and participate!

The radio is one of the best known means of communication, information and fun, used by thousands of people in large and small cities around the world. Na office that celebrates this date, participants will be able to learn more about the history of radio and its important role in the cultural diffusion of Brazil, exploring aspects of sound creation present in different types of artistic programming. The indicative classification is Free and the capacity until 12 people, by prior appointment through the EVENTIM platform. For this activity, only one ticket is issued per CPF; the representative can be accompanied by up to 03 people in your family, with the same ticket.

The digital actions offered on the CCBB EducativoEmCasa portal, are also unmissable! At the beginning of the month there are activities for academics and children.

In February, the course Transversalities will have two editions for teachers and educators, with independent modules, that address themes transversal to the fields of education and art, connecting the issues present in the exhibitions to the urgencies and daily reflections. Both meetings are in webinar format, for up 500 participants and accessible in Libras. Registrations are through the website: www.ccbbeducativo.com The rating is Free - suitable for people over 16 years.

On 10 February, Fourth, to 19 hours, Transversalities – Interface Image: means is message, massage or microtargeting, with the communicologist, Ramusyo Brazil.

The Interface Image is a way of thinking about the relationship with knowledge and reality that materializes in a given visual-virtual space with interactive and interactive properties., aesthetic scope, ethical and anthropological. What are the implications of intensifying this “nature” imagery for education, the arts and society? Good question!

Ramusyo Brazil it is communication specialist, in media and advertising. Professor of Communication / Photography and Multimedia at IFMA – Campus São Luís Centro Histórico (degree and integrated medium in Visual Arts, photographic process technician and specialization in Art, Media and Education). Coordinator of the Digital Production Center (IFMA / MinC / MAVAM). Coordinator of NUPPI (IFMA/CCH) – Research and Image Production Center. NEAMP researcher (PUC-SP) – Art Studies Group, Media and Politics. Author of articles on art, media and culture.

On Wednesday, day 24 February, às 14h, the TransversalitiesTranslation and Education in Perspectives”Will have a special meeting with the Thiago Council, Master in Education from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). this meeting, Consiglio will present the paths through which he developed the research that started from a professional practice and culminated in a master's thesis. Perhaps, the educator at exhibitions, act as translator. Starting from this doubt, Consiglio considers that the recognition of the role of the Educator Museal in the Brazilian context is recent, adding voice to the Network of Museum Educators in Brazil (REM-BR) and the achievement of the National Museal Education Policy in 2017. He will talk about the extent to which translation can support an educational action based on three distinct procedures: literary, educational and epistemological. A concern for language in an open model, procedural and plural.

Thiago Council holds a Master's in Education from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) Sorocaba campus and degree in Social Communication - Qualification in Journalism from the University of Sorocaba (UNISO). He is currently part of the Research Group “Museal Education: concepts, history and politics ”of IBRAM at the National Historical Museum (RJ) since 2019 and the São Paulo Museum Educators Network (REM-SP) since 2017. In 2018 was honored by the Sorocaba City Council with the Medal of Cultural Merit “Ademar Carlos Guerra”. Since 2013 works in the area of ​​Museal Education in art exhibitions, having developed educational actions in different contexts in the interior of the State of São Paulo. Be as a frontline educator, supervising teams or provoking ongoing training, their practices are mobilized by the concept of Translation as an educational methodology, establishing a movement of cognitive reflection that articulates political subjectivities through the sensitive.

On day 11 February, farm, às 10h, to Week Educator invites teachers and educators to know virtually the Life Lines, from Chiharu Shiota, on display at CCBB Rio de Janeiro. The proposal is for training in art and education for teachers, educators and pedagogical coordinators of schools, social projects and cultural institutions of the CCBB Educational Program - Art and Education. Through synchronous virtual meetings with national coverage, the participants make contact with the surveys, strategies and methodologies used by program educators in cultural mediation activities carried out in the exhibitions on display at the CCBBs. Participation in activities is free and certified, with access to support materials and the Invitation to Activation, program publication in dialogue with temporary exhibitions. Guidance on scheduling synchronous virtual visits for groups of students is also shared. The expected duration is 2 hours and the indicative classification is Free - suitable for people over 16 years. Link to sign up for www.ccbbeducativo.com

Thursday, day 18 February, to 14 hours have Shared processes - Theater and universe onlineArtistic and media challenges in collective and remote creation with Cacá Toledo. In webinar format the meeting will be available on the CCBB Educativo platform for up to 100 participants and will focus on training artists, educators, critics, producers, curators and other professionals in the field of art and cultural production. The guest, Cacá Toledo will give an overview of the challenges to make theater in a partial or entirely remote way from his experiences with projects of different languages ​​carried out in 2020: an auditorium program on Zoom, adapting a conventional piece to online, remote preparation of a live show and a podcast. The meeting will address topics such as dramaturgy, collective creation, art direction and performance within this new production medium as well as the main solutions adopted in each case. The indicative classification is Free and suitable for people over 16 years.

Cacá Toledo is an actor and theater director also linked to the universe of contemporary art as an artist and producer. Directs Cia Aberta de Teatro since 2002, collective dedicated to collaborative creation, to humor and interdisciplinarity and since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been investigating forms of interaction in live presentations made online. Collaborated as an actor and / or co-director with Daniela Thomas, Gabriel Villela, Johana Albuquerque, Yara de Novaes, José Possi Neto, Ricardo Rizzo among others and produced works by Cao Guimarães, Vincent Rosenblatt, Juracy Dorea, Beatriz and Marcia Milhazes, Emmanuel Araújo, Lilian mouse, Marcelo Jacome, Nicola Robbio, Paulo PJ, Prozak7 is Tunga.

Friday,day 19 February, to 10 hours, the Place of Creation Digital Creation - Drawings with Food will be inspired by the artist's work Lygia Pape, that in years 60 developed biscuit packaging that became classic Brazilian design, the purpose of this Place of Creation is to create new design patterns, with the food we have at home. Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 3 years.

Day 25 February, farm, to 10 hours, the "With the Word”Offers a mediated visit on Chiharu Shiota's Life Lines with the master in History and Art Criticism, Daniela Name.

Daniela Name is curator, art critic and journalist. Publisher of Revista Caju. She was the curator of the exhibitions “Modernismos - 90 1922 years ”, “War games” and “Concrete dialogue”, among other projects. Books writer “Amélia Toledo - Fluid Form ” (2015), “Almir Mavignier ” (2013), “North - Marcelo Moscheta” (2013) and “Mirror of Brazil - The popular art seen by its creators” (2008). The rating is Free - suitable for people over 10 years.

Day 25 February, Thursday, to 14 hours o Criticism laboratory - Journalism as art invited teacher and journalist Fabiana Moraes to make a reflection on art, including the sphere of cultural journalism, memory and heritage, in dialogue with CCBB programming. This activity seeks especially a dialogue with students of arts, Journalism, museology, curation and history. The meeting is in webinar format with a place for 100 participants. The Free rating - suitable for people over 16 years.

Fabiana Moraes is a professor at the Design and Communication Center at the Academic Center of Agreste (UFPE / CAA). Journalist with a doctorate in sociology, author of books “”the Barrens”; “Joicy's Birth”; “Nabuco in Blacks and Whites”; “In the Country of Institutional Racism”. He is part of the board of Agência Publica de Jornalismo, works at The Intercept Brasil and the ÉNOIS Organization. As a reporter won the awards “Cristina Tavares of Journalism” and the “Embratel of Culture”, and as a writer she was a finalist twice “Jabuti Award”.

Day 26 February, farm, to 10 hours, the With the Word – Ivan Serpa: the concrete expression invites the doctor in Visual Arts and Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP, Daniela Bousso, to participate in the mediated visits to the exhibition that arrives at CCBB-SP, on 03 of February. The rating is Free - suitable for people over 10 years.

Daniela Bousso holds a PhD in Visual Arts and Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP, integrates juries in Visual Arts, collaborates with Canal Contemporâneo and Select magazine. Professor in the postgraduate course “Technological aesthetics” by PUC-SP, coordinates, also, the independent course “From Leonardo to digital” the Instituto Cervantes. He specializes in planning and strategy of institutional and corporate policies for contemporary art.

Day 27 February, Saturday, to 10 hours, the Ancestral Multiple - Marine Ox with the musician, actor and dancer, Helder Vasconcelos offers the home audience a dance activity, cheerful and beyond musical! Exchanges linked to different cultural knowledge and practices, articulating memory and heritage. Alia oral tradition, affection and views on material and immaterial heritage, strengthening the subject's relationship with diversity.

We can say that the Ox's game, is one of the most expressive and representative manifestations of Brazil's cultural diversity. It happens in the most varied contexts, being part of the main popular parties, religious or secular, and is present in all states of Brazil. But even within all this diversity, with each place having a particular way of acting, we recognize it without question. It's just an Ox! Music encounter guarantee, dance, theater and party. Realizing this characteristic and also seeing it as a space for the possibility of a new creation, Helder Vasconcelos created his Ox game in 2000. An Ox to play Carnival with elements from different popular traditions, especially the Seahorse. The result is an original and unique game. The songs, dances, verses, costumes and staging by Boi Marinho bring new air to the Pernambuco Carnival. The formula is the strong relationship that Helder has with the traditions that it relates to, along with your creativity and your innovation potential, already known in other works, as the musical group Mestre Ambrósio. An important characteristic of this game is to be open and without any requirement to participate in it during Carnival. Another characteristic is that the game absorbed over time was the musical-poetic improvisation in the format of march and samba as is done in Maracatu Rural.

The indicative classification is Free and suitable for people over 3 years

Helder Vasconcelos he is a musician, actor and dancer; One of the trainers of the musical group from Pernambuco Mestre Ambrósio, who did you work with 1992 to 2003, toured Europe, United States and Japan, played on the main Brazilian stages and events and recorded three CDs. He credits his training to the non-academic learning of the games of Cavalo Marinho and Maracatu Rural and to the study of the actor's art with the group Lume of Unicamp, Campinas, sp. In solo career, created the shows “Espiral Toy Mine” (2004), "Alone" (2007) and I am" (2016). In partnership with Batebit Artesania Digital has been developing digital music and dance instruments. Founder and coordinator of the Boi Marinho group, participating in the Pernambuco Carnival since 2000. At the movies, starred in the feature “Baile Perfumado”, “The Man Who Defies the Devil” and “The Luneta do Tempo” and “Entre Irmãs”. Develops training work, through workshops, courses and experiences since 1998. He also works in the creation of soundtracks and as a consultant, preparer, director. As a speaker he participated in the TedxUFPE of 2015 and 2017.


Mediated visits – CCBBs Rio de Janeiro

Duration: 1h

Capacity: 6 people, by prior appointment via the internet, www.eventim.com.br

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 5 years

Chiharu Shiota: Life lines [Lifelines]until day 19 April

Days: Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 4:00 pm, and Thursdays and Fridays, at 12:00

Saturday, at 4pm is accessible in pounds.

Alphonse Mucha: The legacy of Art Nouveau until day 28 February

Days: Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays, at 12:00, Thursdays and Fridays, at 4:00 pm

Thursday, at 4:00 pm, accessible in pounds.


CCBB Heritage Tour and the City: Banco do Brasil Cultural Center and the city of Rio de Janeiro

Time: the 4th, at 12:00

Meeting point: Box office

BB Museum Heritage Visit:

‘Gallery of Values’ and ‘Banco do Brasil and its History’

Time: Sundays, at 4:00 pm

Meeting point: 4th floor lobby – inscriptions: www.ccbbeducativo.com

Mediated visits in Pounds

Thursdays and Saturdays at 4pm (Pounds)

For the exhibition: Chiharu Shiota: Life lines [Lifelines] – Saturday, at 4:00 pm

For the exhibition: Alphonse Mucha: The legacy of Art Nouveau - Thursdays at 4pm

Duration: 1h

Capacity: 6 people, by prior appointment via the internet, www.eventim.com.br

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 5 years.

Place of creation


Time: at 3 pm

Duration: 1h

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 3 years

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CCBBs Rio de Janeiro – Capacity: 12 people, by prior appointment via the internet, www.eventim.com.br. For this activity, only one ticket is issued per CPF; the representative can be accompanied by up to 03 people in your family.

Day 06 February - Story Workshop with mediated reading meetings of illustrated books, followed by the creation of invention narratives with images and texts gathered in artisanal publications.

Day 13 February - Knowledge WorkshopNarrative production meetings based on the participants' cultural imagery, promoting a dialogue between local cultures and exhibitions.

Day 20 February - Art Games – Meetings focused on creation in arts, exploring play and creative games that involve visual arts strategies, theater, music, bodily practices and writing.

Day 27 February - Arts Workshop, with material experimentation exercises, sounds and movements in artistic processes aimed at creating images.

Place of creation (Digital) - Drawings with Food will be inspired by the work of the artist Lygia Pape

Friday,day 19 February, to 10 hours

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 3 years

Local: CCBB networks and CCBB Educativo website www.ccbbeducativo.com

Commemorative Date - Radio Day

Day 13 February (Saturday) – Time: 10 hours,

Duration: 1h

Capacity: 12 people, by prior appointment in www.eventim.com.br. For this activity, only one ticket is issued per CPF; the representative can be accompanied by up to 03 people in your family.

Educator Week - Online

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Day 11 February, farm, at 10am: Chiharu Shiota's Life Lines, on display at CCBB Rio de Janeiro.

Duration: 2h

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 16 years

Access: Free event.

Link to sign up for www.ccbbeducativo.com

Transversalities – Interface Image: means is message, massage or microtargeting, with Ramusyo Brasil

Day 10 February, on wednesday, to 19 hours

Duration: 2h

Meeting in webinar format.

Accessible in Libras

Vacancies: 500

Inscriptions: www.ccbbeducativo.com

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 16 years

Local: CCBB networks and CCBB Educational Program website – Art & Education

TransversalitiesTranslation and Education in Perspectives ”with Thiago Consiglio

Day 24 February, on wednesday, to 14 hours

Duration: 2h

Meeting in webinar format.

Accessible in Libras

Vacancies: 500

Inscriptions: www.ccbbeducativo.com

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 16 years

Local: CCBB networks and CCBB Educational Program website – Art & Education

Shared processes – Theater and online universe - Artistic and Media Challenges in collective and remote creation – With Cacá Toledo

Day 18 February, farm, to 14 hours

Duration: 3h

Meeting in webinar format.


Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 16 years

Access: Free event. Link to sign up for www.ccbbeducativo.com

With the Word – About Chiharu Shiota's Life Lines - CCBB Rio de Janeiro

Com Daniela Name

Day 25 February, farm, to 10 hours (launch on platforms)

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 10 years

Local: CCBB networks and CCBB Educativo website

Access: Free event

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 10 years

With the Word – About Ivan Serpa: the expression of concrete - CCBB São Paulo

With Daniela Bousso (SP)

Day 26 February, farm, to 10 hours (launch on platforms)

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 10 years

Local: CCBB networks and CCBB Educativo website

Access: Free event

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 10 years

Critical laboratory (Digital)Journalism as Art – With Fabiana Moraes

Day 25 February, Fifth, to 14 hours

Duration: 3h

Vacancies: 100

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 16 years

Access: Free event. Link to sign up for www.ccbbeducativo.com

multiple Ancestral – Sea Ox – With Helder Vasconcelos

Day 27 February, Saturday, to 10 hours (launch on platforms)

Free indicative rating - suitable for people over 3 years

Local: CCBB networks and CCBB Educativo website

Banco do Brasil Cultural Center - CCBB-Rio

First Street March, 66 – (21) 3808-2020 (Because of pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19), CCBB is closed to the public).

www.bb.com.br/cultura/ www.twitter.com/ccbb_rj/ www.facebook.com/ccbb.rj

Complete schedule: ccbbeducativo.com

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