Design – Artistic Production, Step by step 11 of how to draw by Rosângela Vig

Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

Balloons over Florence

Florence… that immense serenity
On your remote fields, where arise
In terracotta tones and rust
Torres, domes, cloisters, Renaissance.
(MATHEW, 2006, p. 50)

Step by step 11 of how to draw

It is possible that spring arrives in colorful balloons. Slowly, She's going to untying his bonds, relaxing the austere countenance of the harsh winter, melting the ice and, without notice, the joy of flowers invades the fields, the flower and the heart. And the costume will go far, When you open your eyes to the dream and let the colors from invading the spirit. That's what the Art tells us.

Guided by the look of the costume, Let a beautiful reverie drive my soul. I left the colors fly over my drawing and turn into colorful balloons that paper less, as if they were trying to break through the thin lace that limits the dream and the reality, in an attempt to invade my real space. The cradle of Renaissance was the venue for this scene. Drawn in black and white only, the city of Florence contrasts with the colors of the balloons and leads us to the times of Brunelleschi (1377-1446), of Bottichelli (1445-1510) and the blossoming of knowledge.


The city was designed and painted with the graphite pencil 2B and 6B, on paper size 50 by 50 cm, basis weight 180, with texture and I used the stump to give finishing in the clouds. My scene settled in a horizontal line that did, a little over half of the sheet. Drew then the city, following a main getaway point, which converges to the center of the scene, encompassing the vast majority of buildings. Some buildings and houses, However are in different vanishing points, because the streets are in various positions, in the city. Note in the drawing, as bridges decline, both in height, as in width, in the direction of the vanishing point main (Fig. 3). Notice also how the buildings, your Windows and doors come with this imaginary line, that can be read with a ruler. With the same ruler, follow the other vanishing points (Fig. 4) and directions to where the images converge.

The drawing the balloons is freely, but following Valley tips that help in time to make a drawing like this, or any other. Everything has a geometric shape. Can be a circle, a triangle, a square, a hexagon, a rhombus. So it is with the balloons. From a circle and a triangle, a balloon (Fig. 5). The hexagon, a six-sided figure, can delineate the basket. And have been designed many balloons, in different positions, as if they were in the wind that brings the spring.

When it comes to drawing, It's always good to remember to start your painting from top to bottom, so as not to soil that has already been painted. When it comes to graffiti, the care must be greater. Painted so first the sky of the city in the background after the balloons that are in the upper part of my scene. And went down in the painting the lower parts. The personal was very helpful to get the finish in the clouds and leave them with the shaded touch. In the video you can see the work with the stump. A role that would be thrown served me to support hands on the drawing, so the graffiti not dirty.

With the balloons and the city painted (Fig. 8), three-dimensional touch comes over and give grace to the design. For it was only a projection of the drawing of each balloon on the scene already ready. And all the projections were made for the same side (Fig. 9). Such projections are provided by the effect of light on the balloons. I figured the light coming from the right side of the scene, therefore, the shadows should be on the left side. Painted only a portion of these projections (Fig. 10), with the gray color pencil and gave shadow in balloons, on the same side, a bit with the black color pencil. On the other side of each balloon, I made a slight vertical risk, with oily pastel white, to reinforce the light coming from the right. But that effect can also be provided by pencil eraser, passing your tip, so subtle and quick, only the right side, leaving white risks.

The balloons invite us to a ride on the Italian city, where the classic reborn art and culture and had their heyday. Their colors spring flood the monochrome scene. I want to enter this world. And finish the text by Mário Quintana and dream a little longer.

Spring cross the river
Crosses the dream you dream,
In the sleeping city
Spring arrives.
Weather vane went insane,
Was turning, spinning.
Around the pinwheel
Dance all in a Pack.
(QUINTANA, 2007, p. 24)

Check out the video of the production of the book Balloons on Florence:

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  1. MATHEW, Vinícius. Book of Sonnets. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2006.
  2. QUINTANA, Mário. Quintana de Pocket. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. L & PM Pocket, 2007.

The figures:

Fig. 1 -Ready Design, 3D balloons about Florence, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 2 – Drawings scratched on paper, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 3 – Vanishing point main, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 4 – Other vanishing points of design, Rosângela Vig.

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Fig. 5 – Details of the balloon, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 6 – Painted balloons, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 7 – Painted sky, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 8 – City of Florence painted, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 9 – Three-dimensional effect, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 10 – Three-dimensional effect, details, Rosângela Vig.

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