Drawing – Painting on Canvas, Step by step 16 of how to draw by Rosângela Vig


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Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

No framework is finished,
Said right painter
You can endlessly continue it,
First, on the other side of another frame.
That, made from such,
There on the screen, hides, a door
That gives a corridor
That leads to another and the many other.
(GRANDSON, 1975, p.68)

Step by step 16 of how to draw

Transit through the world of Art is the same as navigating unknown seas, full of unlikely images. About the role, about the screen alva, the bright colors highlight, stand out and appear to become real before the look, the image still insist on running for hypothetical and utopian scenes. Dream a little and travel through these worlds, Although in intranquilas waters, allows the soul to lose a bit of everyday life boring and stressful.

Fig. 1 – Barcos chegando sobre a Cidade, Acrílico sobre tela, Rosângela Vig.
Fig. 1 -Boats coming over the city, Acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

But the beautiful, at Art, even more than that. It's the result of an impeccable use of material and color ideal for every scene, for each image. In figure 1, the highlighted color acrylic paint. In the image, suspended by colorful balloons, the boats invade the monochrome landscape of the big city. In the middle of buildings, they arise, but at the same time don't mix landscape.


The painting was made in screen, with acrylic paint. The city, in the background, was just colored with black, White and gray, reinforcing the idea of cool colors. In the sky, the storm seems threatening the metropolis, in spite of your greatness. The city seems to loom larger in size, in the geometry of the buildings grow in vertical direction. The water softens the straight lines, with light movements and ripples. The likely scene, emerge the balloons, colorful, taking breath to monochrome.

Fig. 2 – Perspectiva e sombras, Barcos chegando sobre a Cidade, Acrílico sobre tela, Rosângela Vig.
Fig. 2 -Perspective and shadows, Boats coming in over the city, Acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

The buildings were used for the techniques of perspective, considering that each is in a different position, in the scene (Fig. 2). In the image you can also see the light, It focuses from right to left, What makes it less illuminated the left sides of the buildings. As the daylight is a late afternoon, little lit, because of clouds, the lower parts of the buildings are already too little lit, painted black or gray.

The waters of the image reflects the city and the sky. How are calmer waters, the reflection looks like a mirror in slight movement, leading to and fro, the same colors that are at the top. In figure 3 It is possible to notice that each building is partially reflected, without many details, ending with light ripples, made with a brush beveled.

Fig. 3 – Reflexo da cidade na água, Barcos chegando sobre a Cidade, Acrílico sobre tela, Rosângela Vig.
Fig. 3 -Reflection of the city on water, Boats coming in over the city, Acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

The colorful balloons can be done, following the artist's creativity, using various shades of green, Blues and yellows, with pure colors and strong, contrasting with the cold tones of town.

And the art travels for those fields where the imagination can take. Just allow these worlds descortinem.

Fig. 4 – Balões coloridos, Barcos chegando sobre a Cidade, Acrílico sobre tela, Rosângela Vig.
Fig. 4 -Colorful balloons, Boats coming in over the city, Acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

Check out the video of the production of the work Boats coming over the city:

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Articles about the Art History of Rosângela Vig:


  1. GRANDSON, João Cabral de Melo. Museu de Tudo. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria José Olympio Editora, 1975.

The figures:

Fig. 1 – Boats coming in over the city, Acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 2 – And perspective shadows, Boats coming in over the city, Acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 3 – Reflection of the city on water, Boats coming in over the city, Acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

Fig. 4 – Colorful balloons, Boats coming in over the city, Acrylic on canvas, Rosângela Vig.

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